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"AND THE PLAN IS?" THESEUS ASKS HIS BROTHER. MADELEINE peers over at the magizooligist, having no idea what to do next.

"Hold this." Newt says, and hands the lantern to Theseus. He cups his hands together and brings them to his lips before releasing a low, and rather odd, whistle.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" Theseus questions.
"We're going to need some help."

"Oh. Yep. Good idea." Madeleine says, understanding who he's called for. The man beside her just looks her confused and she smiles at him before Newt draws his attention. He drops back into the mimicry pose and the baby Manticores copy immediately. Madeleine runs a hand over her face and lets out a groan, "Oh merlin. Not this again."

"Follow me. Come on"
Madeleine and Theseus assume the same position and the three begin shuffling away, the blonde girl muttering profanities to herself.

"You're not swivelling properly. Swivel, swivel, but delicately." Newt tells his brother.
"I'm swivelling like you're swivelling, Newt."
"I don't believe you are." Newt replies, indignantly and Madeleine snorts quietly.

Between the two boys, another lamp outside a cell entrance goes out and the tail appears, taking another body before flopping it back down between their feet. Madeleine wrinkles her nose and gags. Theseus glances at her before sharing a look with Newt.

A few minutes later, a crunch draws the attention of Newt and Madeleine and Theseus stops. He looks down and slowly lifts his foot, revealing a rather squashed baby Manticore. He looks at his brother while Madeleine just shakes her head,

"Oh bloody hell." she mutters, laughing ever so slightly. Her humour is short-lived because a second later, the lantern in Theseus's hands fizzles out, plunging them into darkness and sending the Manticores scurrying away.

"Shit." the three say. A huge tail rises from the nothingness pit and recoils, ready to strike.

The three bolt as the tail crashes into cell walls a feet away from them. They race through corridors, the Manticore's tail and antennae whipping and smashing, sending fiery bolts after them, while being followed by the giant Manticore itself as it squeezed through the tight corridors.

Madeleine dives to the left and runs precariously along a small ledge before slipping off into another corridor, narrowly avoiding being skewered. She swung around a corner and crashed into Theseus. He grabs her arms before pulling her down as they both avoid a ball of fire. He quickly asks if she's okay and she replies with a nod, grabbing his hand and running down another corridor, reuniting with Newt. The three rush forward, Theseus and Madeleine not letting go of each other, as the ceiling collapses behind them, trapping the giant Manticore.

The ex couple breath a sigh of relief before Theseus's hand is yanked from her own as the antennae from the Manticore drags him away. Newt and Madeleine quickly follow, Newt grabbing his brother. He holds on, the blonde girl holding onto him, as Theseus is pulled towards the edge of the pit.

"Maddy!" Newt says, and she turns around seeing Teddy, Pickett and Newt's wand flying through the air. Beside them, Stan's wings are spread out as he flies towards his mistress. Newt grabs his wand and the bowtruckle, summoning Teddy, while Stan lands on her shoulder, wrapping his claws around her clothes as she takes her own wand from her dragon companion.

"Grab the tie!" Newt shouts to his brother, gripping Madeleine's hand in his own as they all tumble into the pit. A second later, they vanish.

The three crash onto mossy and leavy grounds. Madeleine releases Newt's hand with a groan as she rubs at her sore limbs and brushes the leaves from her body. They all get to their feet, the brothers still holding hands. Madeleine looks at the two and laughs before looking away. They look at her, and then at their hands, before letting go.

"That was a Portkey." Newt says, quickly brushing the situation aside. Theseus hands Teddy, who stills clutches the tie, to the magizooligist before replying,


"Well done, you two." Newt says to his 'pets' and Madeleine strokes Stan, affectionately.

They all emerge from the trees and look across a large lake. A castle rose beyond, one they recognized easily. One that had once been a home to them all.


——————— NOTE FROM POPS!!

Welcome to Hogwarts guys!!

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