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MADELEINE WAS PERCHED ON the back of a dragon as they flew through the clouds, high above the rooftops of London, slowly making their way back to her family manor. It has been a couple years since Grindelwald's rally in Paris and he has been gaining more followers by the day, much to the ministry's annoyance. Madeleine has been sent in almost all corners of the globe with her fellow Aurors to locate and arrest anybody linked to Grindelwald but they have been unsuccessful in locating the man himself. Theseus has become the head of the British Auror office but Madeleine had barely seen him since Paris. They'd bumped into each other in the corridors of the ministry or seen the other in meetings but have never had a proper conversation since that day on the viaduct day outside Hogwarts. It was safe to say that everyone had been very busy with trying to find the location of Grindelwald and dealing with his growing number of followers. Madeleine has barely had a day off from everything and she has one today and had decided to do what she loves most. Spending time with her dragons. She's been keeping a few at her family's manor because her sister hasn't been there for a couple months and wasn't going to return for a while. She didn't know why but Ayana had said that Madeleine could use the house in her family's absence so the blond has been keeping the few dragon's she owns in the indoor enclosures at the back of the gardens. Where she's always kept them.
The dragon she rode now was called Draekan and he was a rather tame Norwegian Ridgeback. Madeleine had picked him up in Romania during her tour and had been very delighted to take him in. He was gorgeous.
She only had two other dragons, not including Stan. A Antipodean Opaleye named Saska - a beautiful blue, pearly dragon - and a common Welsh Green dragon called Tommy. All three dragons have their own enclosure while Stan just follows Madeleine around, except when she flew on the back of one. Stan wasn't a fligher.
As she approaches the big house, Madeleine tightens her grip on the reigns before squeezing her legs against the side of Draekon, signalling him to dive towards his home. With a focused look on her face as they neared the ground, Madeleine pulls the reigns up slightly and Draekon slows, his feet moving out in front of him as they touch down on the ground with a roar from the exceedingly happy, dragon. Madeleine smiles, patting his scaly back before sliding off. Her feet land, lightly on the ground and she takes off the saddle, pulling out her wand and making it move over to the crates by the enclosures, where they'd landed. The blond then gathers the reigns on Draekon's back and gently pulls him towards the enclosures, keeping a grip on her wand incase of an emergency.

Later, after returning the dragon to his home and making sure they were all fed and happy, Madeleine was in her room, packing her bags and humming along to the music coming out of the radio on her desk. Yesterday, she had received an owl from Dumbledore, requesting her presence in a move against Grindelwald. Madeleine knew about the blood pact Dumbledore housed on his person that ment he couldn't move against his old lover and Madeleine felt bad for him. She was his eyes and ears inside the ministry and was happy to assist him in this. She knew there would be others there, including the Scamander brothers but who else was coming she was unsure of. All Madeleine had to do was turn up and help protect the real Qilin that was needed for the upcoming election. Sounded simple enough. She just hopes it is as simple as Dumbledore had made it out to be in his letter but knowing him, there was a whole other level to things and people would know things that others didn't. It was how the old man worked and Madeleine was used to it, even if it did annoy her at times.
Madeleine finishes packing her suitcase and leaves a note to the other dragonoligist that she works with who would be round in twenty minutes to care for the dragons in her garden.
She calls Stan and he flighs over to her, nestling himself inside her jacket as she slides her wand into her inside pocket and clutches the suitcase in one hand.
"Here we go." she mutters, walking over to the portkey that was a bottle of butterbeer. She takes a deep breath and wraps her other hand around it.
"5.. 4.. 3.. 2... and 1." she counts.
A whooshing fills her ears as the portkey activates and a second later she has disappeared, leaving behind a couple drops of butterbeer on the floor.

A whooshing fills her ears as the portkey activates and a second later she has disappeared, leaving behind a couple drops of butterbeer on the floor

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A/N : didn't post last week so double post this week. Will either post chapter ten today or tomorrow. This isn't the best but oh well. This act will officially start in the next chapter.

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