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   YOUNG MADELEINE WANDERED THE HALLS OF HOGWARTS AFTER HOURS, TIPTOEING PAST THE SLEEPING paintings, her feet silent against the stone floor as she made her way towards the Astronomy tower. The sixth year, slipped through the entrance and up the stairs, staying as quiet as she could so as not to alert the caretaker who walked the halls at night.

   Madeleine walked into the top of the tower and sidled up beside Theseus, sitting down on the floor and putting her legs through the stone railing, dangling them over the edge of the tower.

   "So what are we doing?" She asks him, turning her head towards the strawberry-blonde. He looked back at her, his Head Boy badge, glinting in the moonlight as his eyes sparkled.

   "Star-gazing, Maddy."

   The year younger girl looked at him and smiled before gripping his hand and leaning backwards to lay on the floor. She looked up at the sky and began pointing out constellations to him.

   Theseus listened to her as she talked but chose to watch her instead of the stars, admiring her.

   She glances back at him and noticed him watching her. The girl lowered her finger and frowned at him with a small smile.

    "What?" she asked.

   Theseus looked at her for a second longer before looking away, "Nothing."

   Her smile widens slightly as she watches him go red in the darkness. She chuckles quietly looking away from him and back up at the sky, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. The two lay in silence, watching the sky and the shooting stars - both making a small wish as they glinted across the dark background.



   LATER THAT NIGHT, THE FIVE OF THEM - AND THEIR CREATURES - ALONGSIDE DUMBLEDORE, WALKED DOWN the path to the Hog's Head, keeping up a long stream of conversation as the walked through the snow. Lally and Madeleine were in the middle of a talk about healing spells as they reached the pub. Dumbledore opens the door and they all stamp off the snow on their shows before walking inside.

   "Bunty! You're here!" Newt greets his assistant.

   "Yes." Bunty replies with a bright smile.

   "How is she?" He asks.

   "Oh, she'd fine."

   Newt bends down as a Niffler runs towards him. As he talks to the small creature, the others begin to remove their snow covered jackets and draping them on the backs of chairs.

   "Miss Broadache." Dumbledore says, "I trust my brother has been a gracious host?"

   "Yes. Ever so gracious." Bunty compliments, and Dumbledore glances over at his brother, who is greeting Madeleine - albeit only with a small smile and 'hello'.

   "I'm delighted to here." Dumbledore replies, "So, rooms have been been arranged in the village, and Aberforth here will prepare you a delicious dinner. His own recipe."

Sometime later, the group are sat at a pool of tables and Aberforth is pouring a thick, greyish stew into chipped bowls for each.

"There's more of that if you want it," he tells them while they stare uneasily at their bowls.

As he heads for the stairs, Bunty thanks him but doesn't receive much but him glowering and then a short, nod.

"Astonishing," Theseus starts as he tries the stew, "never has something that looked so repellent tastes so delicious."

Madeleine smiles and continues to eat as the Qilin bleats with pleasure.

"Who's this little one?" Jacob asks, "hey, do you mind?"

"She's a Qilin, Jacob." Madeleine tells him, not looking up from her meal, as she eats, "she's incredibly rare. One of the most beloved creatures in the wizarding world," she looks up as she says those final words and grins at him.


"Because she can see into your soul." Newt replies from next to Madeleine. He glances at her but she'd already returned to her meal.

"Oh, you're kidding me,"

Newt shakes his head, "so if you're good and worthy, then she'll see that. If, on the other hand, you're cruel and deceitful, then she will know that too."

"Oh yeah? Does she just tell you that or...?"

"Not exactly tells—"

"Well, she bows," Lally says, "but only in the presence of someone truly pure of heart. I mean, almost none of us are, of course. No matter how good a person we try to be."

Madeleine finally looks up at locks eyes with the muggle, "there was actually a time," she tells him, "many, many years ago, when the Qilin chose who would lead us."

Her face goes mournful as she lowers her gaze from him. Jacob picks up his bowl and moves over to the Qilin's milk bowl, the creature dancing around him. He spoons some of the stew into the Qilin's bowl.

Newt smiles and Madeleine glances around the table, noticing Theseus looking at her. She watches him for a second, keeping eye contact with him, before turning away when Newt nudges her.

The magizooligist nods his head towards a mirror against the back wall. Madeleine follows his eyes and sees words surfacing: I WANT TO COME HOME.

The Auror turns her head to her friend with a shocked expression before nodding to the stairs and murmuring, "Albus is upstairs," to him.

He gets up and heads towards the stairs, glancing back at her. She nods at him and he disappears. Madeleine returns her gaze to the table after taking one last look at the mirror.

"Everything alright?" Theseus asks. Madeleine nods and send him a small smile before finishing her stew and wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Lally starts a conversation with her about defensive spells and Theseus joins in until it's time to go.

As the group make their way out the door, Newt turns to Madeleine and tells him what Dumbledore had said.

"So it's Credence? In the mirror?" She asks and Newt nods, "and he's a Dumbledore?"


"Wow, I didn't see that coming."

"Newt! Maddy!" Lally calls and the two exchange a look before hurrying after the others to where they were staying.


I decided not to post this last week as I've had exams all week so knew I wouldn't be able to get the next chapter so left it for this week to be posted.

I know I haven't posted on my six of crows book and I apologise.

I also currently have a 'chronicles of narnia' book in the works, if anyone interested, with edmund pevensie as the love interest. let me know if you want me to publish it.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this rather short chapter xx

unspoken war-t.scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now