02 x 16

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"Lally." Newt calls to her.

"What kept you three?"

"We encountered some complications. And you?"
"We encountered some complications." Lally hands a copy of the Daily Prophet to Newt. Madeleine peers over her friend's shoulder and sees a moving picture of Jacob with the words; MURDEROUS MUGGLE, above it.

"Jacob tried to murder Grindelwald?" Theseus asks and Madeleine shakes her head.

"It's.. a long story." Lally replies, before turning to Jacob where he is sat with a group of students, eating, "Jacob! Look who I found." Lally calls out. Jacob turns to them,

"hey! It's my wizard friends." He says and turns back to the kids, "Newt, Maddy and Theseus. We're like this," he crosses his fingers at the kids as he gets up, "and that's me right there. I gotta go. All right, have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

He joins the others and Madeleine grins at him.
"Can you believe this place?" he says, "they got pint-sized witches and wizards running around here."
Madeleine lets out a small chuckle.
"Huh. You don't say?" Theseus replies to the muggle.

"I was the assassin." Jacob tells Newt and Madeleine pats his shoulder before turning to the table next to her and taking a slice of toast from it.

"Newt, Theseus and Maddy all went to Hogwarts." Lally tells the baker.

"Oh. I knew that. Well, they're being very nice to me." he replies, frowning at Madeleine as she casually eats the slice of toast, "The Slytherin boys over there, they gave me these. They're delicious, who wants one?" He takes a cockroach cluster from the bag and Madeleine grimaces, turning from him and stealing another slice of toast from the table. Theseus looks at her with a frown and grabs her wrist,

"Stop stealing their food."

"What? I'm starving. I haven't eaten today!" she complains as the group begin to move to the back of the hall. Theseus shakes his head. The blonde playfully slaps his hand away, making a face at him, as she tries to free the hand with her toast. The man laughs a little at antics but takes his hand away to let her eat.

"You're insufferable, you know that?" he whispers to her. She winks at him but doesn't reply as they approach McGonagall and Albus.

"McGonagall. Albus." Theseus greets and Dumbledore approaches the group.

"Well done. All of you. Well done. Congratulations."


"Indeed. Professor Hicks managed to foil and assassination. And you are alive and well. And Madeleine stop stealing my toast," he adds at the end and Madeleine ducks her head as she finishes the slice while Theseus chuckles under his breath, "That fact that everything didn't go precisely to plan, was precisely the plan."

"Countersight 101." Lally adds.

"Albus. Forgive me, but aren't we back where we started?" Theseus asks, seemingly recovered from his laughter about Dumbledore calling out Madeleine.

"Actually, I would argue that things are a great deal worse," he turns to Lally, "You haven't told them?"

Newt, Theseus and Madeleine all turn to the witch.

"Grindelwald has been allowed to stand in the election."



"You're joking?!" they all reply.

"Because Vogel chose easy over right."
"Shit." Madeleine murmurs and Lally nods in agreement.

—————————— NOTE FROM POPS!

Sorry it's been a couple weeks and that this chapter is fairly short. I've had barely any motivation and have been struggling to write. I'm just about scraping through with my other book but the updates are slow on this as I try my best to finish it.

After this book is complete, I may or may not unpublish my Six of Crows fic and take a break from writing at least till the summer because I've got tests coming up and revision to do and it's taking up a lot of time.

Also i was meant to post this on May 4th but completely forgot so belated may the 4th to all my Star Wars fans and everyone else ofc xx

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