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She glances up at a banner that had an image of Santos on and continues moving with the crowds.

That morning, she'd identified ten different detached paths to the entrance point of the Base Of Eyrir where the election was to be held in Bhutan. She slips out of the crowds and into an alleyway, walking quickly along. The route she was currently taking was one the others would not likely go as it was more open and slightly populated. It was also the route that Madeleine hoped Grindelwald's people wouldn't think anyone would go.

She murmurs under her breath to Stan, telling him to fly on ahead and keep an eye out. He obeys and flies off, leaving her on her own. As Madeleine walks, she admires the scenery of the streets of Bhutan. The people and their way of life, the various stands that were dotted about the streets. It all seemed so peaceful and so nice.

She spots a 'Monster book of Monsters' book, wandering out of a nearby alley, and she smiles to herself before secretly flicking her wand under her cloak and making the book fly onto the roof of a nearby house, hopefully scaring patrolling Dark Aurors.

Madeleine continues walking and after a few minutes, Stan returns. He nods his scaled head at her before snuggling into her shoulder,

"Stan!" she complains, moving her hand up, to push him from the crook of her neck, "Stan, stop! Stanley!" She manages to push him away and he sulks, burning himself into her cloak, and disappearing from sight, "Merlin." she says under her breath, shaking her head at the dragon's behaviour.

She slips into another alley and walks along it before coming out into a street that was almost empty with only a few people milling around.

The dragonologist takes a deep breath, before turning left and strolling down the middle of the street, in the direction of the crowds.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she gets the uncanny feeling that she is being watched. Madeleine glances around the street as she walks, her heartbeat picking up quickly and she shivers subtly. Upon seeing no one out of the ordinary, she continues walking but this time slightly quicker.

Not far ahead, four men step out of an alleyway, bocking the rest of the street. Madeleine slows and almost stops but goes to turn around. She stops completely when she sees that six other Dark Aurors where lined up not far behind her.

"Shit." she mutters, turning back around as a familiar face steps out of the shadows and stands in front of the three men.

Yusuf Kama.


"Madame Sinclair. The case. If you will." Kama says, holding out his hand.

Madeleine draws herself upto her full height, relaxes her shoulders and allowing a small smirk to form on her lips. She glances behind, back at the other Aurors, and then looking at the french man.

"And why would I do that?" she asks, with a small tilt of her head.

"Because we want whatever is in that case and if you don't hand it over, we will kill you, your dragon and all of your friends." he replies, his accent coming on strong as he stres piercingfully at her.

"This case?" she asks, holding up what was clutched in her hand, "Well, I would give it to you, if I knew what was inside of it and I'm not at all sure whether or not what you want is actually inside this very case, monsieur." she smiles, tauntingly.

unspoken war-t.scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now