02 x 17

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DUMBLEDORE SWEEPS HIS WAND INTO THE AIR AND BEGINS ETCHING IMAGES OUT OF smoke. Eventually, the grey mist clears to form into a beautiful landscape of mountains and valleys.


Next to Madeleine, Jacob stumbles slightly and Theseus reaches out and grips his shoulder, reassuring him.

"Bhutan," Newt says, looking at the clouds that made out the kingdom.

"Correct. Three points to Hufflepuff," Dumbledore congratulates, "The kingdom of Bhutan sits high in the Eastern Himalayas. It's a place of indescribable beauty. Some of our most important magic has its origins there. They say if you listen carefully enough, the past whispers to you. It also happens to be where the election will be held."

Madeleine stares at the clouds that form under the Hall's ceiling, studying it as ideas race through her mind.

"He can't win, can he?" Theseus asks.

"Only a few days ago he was a fugitive from justice. Now he's an official candidate in the International Confederation of Wizards. Dangerous times favour dangerous men."

"You got that right." Madeleine mutters as Dumbledore turns and begins to walk down the steps into the Hall, sending her a small smile. The image of Bhutan begins to fade away into smoke behind him as the others stare at his back.

"And by the way, we'll be dining with my brother in the village. Should you need anything before then, Minerva is here." Dumbledore calls out before exiting the room.

Lally leans in and addresses the group quietly, "Dumbledore has a brother?!"

Madeleine nods before walking down the steps and making her way out of the hall, Stan flying overhead. The rest of the group slowly mimicking her departure.


The blonde wanders the halls and a calm pace, taking in the beauty of the place she attended for so many years.

Hogwarts was a second home to her. Even after she left school, Madeleine liked to visit sometimes, often covering lessons when needed or to visit teacher friends or to just simply look around. The place was beautiful and fully of history. She could almost hear the whispers of the past in the halls and she walked, faint images appearing in her mind of when she'd attended back in her youth. Hogwarts was a memorable place, full of love and adventure. She'd hate to see it gone.

Madeleine approaches her old Defence against the Dark Arts classroom and pauses at the top of the steps before walking down. She makes her way over to Leta's old desk where she'd seen her friend sit for many years, and lifted the hood. Engraved into the wood were the letters, L + N. Leta and Newt's initials. She remembered their little relationship. It wasn't very romantic as Newt wasn't really the romantic type but Leta. She loved him. Possible different to the way that he may of loved her but she did. And she'd told Madeleine many times.

Madeleine missed her friend's happy personality, how her eyes would light up when ever she talked about something she loved, small dimples appearing in her cheeks as she smiled widely. Leta didn't deserve what came for her. Her family name placing a great burden on her shoulders. The past of Lestrange, being a greater burden than ever. Her family were known for their dark history. The family people had heard of, read about, were nothing like Leta. Leta was completely different and didn't deserve to have Lestrange as her surname but the girl wore it proud, defending herself and her friends. She acted like a true Slytherin, and Madeleine loved her so much. She missed her greatly. She really did.

The sound of someone clearing their throat, broke her from her thoughts and Madeleine spun around, her blonde curls moving with her head before resting on her back. Stan let out a squark like noise as he looks towards the entrance from where he sat on a neighbouring desk.

"You alright?" Theseus asks, looking down at her. Madeleine turns around and lowers the lid of the desk before walking away from it and further into the classroom.

"Yes. Just reminiscing the good old times." She tells him. He walks down the steps and enters the classroom, taking his time as he watches her look for something.

"Ok." he nods.

Madeleine comes to a halt in front of a different desk and lifts the lid, holding it as she traces her hand across the underneath of it. Theseus approaches her as her fingers trace a small spot. Words were engraved into the bark;

In memory of Howard. The first creature I ever truly cared for and was loved in return..

"Howard was my first creature. I wasn't allowed a dragon at school. Dumbledore was quite strict on that part no matter how much I begged him to allow me to bring one in. Howard was a small little bird though, practically harmless. He was the sweetest little thing with his golden brown feathers, little claws and pale beak. He died in my fifth year from an attack in Care of Magical creatures. Howard had somehow escaped my pocket during a lesson we had with Hippogriffs and by the time I spotted him, the large beak of a Hippogriff clamped around his small body and devoured him whole," Madeleine tells him, a small tear falling down her cheek as she remembers.

Theseus watches her as she tells him and upon spotting the small tear on the face of the woman that never cried except when talking about her creatures, places a comforting hand on her shoulder. Madeleine sniffs and quickly wipes the tear from her cheek and clears her throat.

"But that was a long time ago." She says, another meaning behind her words as well as the story she'd just told, as she lowers the lid of the desk.

"Are you ok?" Theseus asks as his hand drops from her shoulder. Madeleine nods and reaches out to squeeze his hand and she send him a smile, before walking away from him. She whistles quietly at Stan, who raises his wings and flies over to her outstretched arm and crawling upto her shoulder.

"Come on T, we don't want to leave them waiting. You know how Newt gets."

Theseus chuckles quietly, glancing back towards his friend's old desk before drawing a breath and following after her, jogging slightly to catch up, and walk beside her smaller body.

——————— NOTE FROM POPS!!

I'm so sorry, guys, it's been ages. I haven't had much motivation to write but i managed to scrape this chapter and a few other as well. I'm just in the middle of prewriting for this book as I've got exams coming up next week.

I may do a double update today ;)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Theseus and Madeleine have my whole heart. They're adorable and don't know how to identify their feelings for each other - mainly Madeleine as Theseus knows he actually still loves her. May include a little flashback at the start of the next chapter as these two's history hasn't be touched enough.

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