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MADELEINE STRIDES INTO THE carriage, covered in dust and a little bit of butterbeer, but a smile on her face as she steps out of the spluttering, green fire.
"Hello. Good to see you again!" She says, stopping in front of the fireplace and meeting eyes with Newt as she pulls out her wand and with a sharp flick, her suitcase vanishes.
"Maddy! Dumbledore wasn't sure if you were available." Newt says, smiling back at her. Madeleine raises an eyebrow and shrugs at Newt, still smiling, as she steps further into the carriage, nodding towards Kama who replicates it, and tucking her wand away in a secret pocket. She walks over to the bar, placing down the bottle of butterbeer and turning around to pull herself up onto the counter. The blonde took note of the rest of the company - Jacob, Theseus, a women with two adolescent Nifflers on her shoulders, and another women who held a book in her hand.
"I think some introductions are in order, Newt." Madeleine says, clearly noticing the way she was being watched as she'd moved around the carriage.
"Yes, introductions," he says quietly before raising his voice slightly and following out the blonde's request, turning to the woman with the book and starts to speak, "this is Bunty Broadache, my indispensable assistant for the past seven years-"
"Eight.." Bunty corrects, "..years and a hundred and sixty-four days."
Madeleine and Theseus share an amused glance at the interaction. Someone has a little crush...
"As you can see; indispensable." Newt continues, clearly oblivious, "and this is-"
"Yusuf Kama. Pleasure." Kama says to the other woman.
"And you've obviously already met Jacob's acquaintance-" Newt is interrupted yet again by Theseus clearing his throat. The magizooligist stares at him, blankly, while Theseus raises his eyebrows at his brother,
"Oh, yes. Sorry. This is my brother, Theseus and over there's Madeleine," Newt says, gesturing at his older brother and then his childhood friend, "and they work for the ministry."
"Actually, I'm Head of the British Auror Office." Theseus corrects, causing Madeleine to roll her eyes.
"Ah. Well, I'll have to ensure my wand registration is up to date." The woman replies with a grin before turning to the blonde sat on top of the bar, "I'm Lally Hicks." She says and Madeleine smiles.
"Call me Maddy. Everyone does, and I'm not just an Auror. Dragonology is my main profession," the dragonologist replies, gesturing to Stan, who was staring intently at the Nifflers on Bunty's shoulders. Lally smiles at the blonde before both the women's attentions are drawn to Newt turning and walking to the back of the carriage. The others follow and Jacob goes behind the bar where Madeleine was sat, earning a small smile of greeting from her.
"All right then. I can imagine you're all wondering why you find yourselves here," Newt begins, looking around at the small group that was gathered in the carriage, knowing that Madeleine was probably the only one who actually knew, "and in anticipation of that, Dumbledore asked that I convey a message. Grindelwald has the ability to see snatches of the future. So we have to assume that he'll be able to anticipate what we do, before we do it. So if we hope to defeat him to save our world... to save your world, Jacob... then our best hope is to confuse him."
As he concludes, he is greeted with silence and Madeleine nodding her head.
"Excuse me? I'm sorry, how do you confuse a guy who can see the future?" Jacob asks, breaking the small silence.
"Countersight." Kama replies.
"Exactly. The best plan being no plan." Newt states as Lally adds,
"Or many overlapping plans."
"Thus, confusion."
"It's working on me right now." Jacob replies.
"In fact, Dumbledore asked that I give you something, Jacob." Newt says. The others watch as Newt pulls a wand from his sleeve like a magician.
"It's snakewood. It's somewhat rare-"
"Are you kidding me right now?" Jacob says in astonishment, "is this thing real?!"
"Yes, well, it doesn't have a core, so sort of. But yes."
"Sort of real?"
"More importantly, where we're going, you'll need it."
Madeleine passes the wand to Jacob, who takes it and stares in awe. Newt then searches through his pockets,
"Now there's something for you too, I think, Theseus-" the dirty blonde begins as he tries to pull something out of his pocket. Key word: tries, as something was tugging it back. Newt wrestles with it for a moment, before addressing an inside pocket, "Teddy, please let go," Bunty rolls her eyes and Madeleine chuckles, quietly, "Teddy, please let go. Teddy! Will you behave! This is Theseus's.."
With a big yank on Newt's end, a Niffler flies out of the man's jacket, across the carriage and over Madeleine's ducked head, to be caught by Jacob. A piece of fabric falls to the floor as Madeleine watches Jacob and the Niffler, Teddy, staring at each other. She reaches over and takes the Niffler from the baker's hands and places him in her lap, keeping a firm grip around his fat, little waist. She looks up, catching Theseus's eye as he turns away from watching her and looks to his brother. Newt had picked up the piece of fabric that had previously fallen to the floor and now hands it to the Auror. Theseus takes it and turns it over,
"Well, of course. Now everything makes sense." He says and Madeleine smirks at him, as she strokes a finger over the head of the Niffler on her lap.

" He says and Madeleine smirks at him, as she strokes a finger over the head of the Niffler on her lap

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A/N: forgot to post this yesterday, sorry. Cute Maddy interactions with Teddy as well. She does love Newt's creatures, that's for sure x

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