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"LALLY, LALLY, I BELIEVE YOU'VE been given some reading material?" Newt says.
"You know what they say," Lally replies, "a book can take you around the world and back, all you have to do it open it."
"She ain't kidding." Jacob adds from beside Madeleine. The book was a portkey. Speaking of portkeys, Madeleine reaches across the counter of the bar and picks up the bottle of butterbeer that was her portkey. The blonde picks it up and brings the bottle to her lips, taking a sip of the liquid with a smile on her face.
"Bunty. That's for you. I'm told it's for you eyes only." Newt continues, taking out a small folded bit of paper. He hands it to his assistant and she opens it, reacting to the words. A second later, it catches fire and incinerates causing Madeleine to raise her eyebrows in surprise slightly.
"Kama-" Newt starts, turning to the French wizard.
"I have what I need."
"And Maddy, I don't know what to give you..."
The blonde shrugs, taking another sip of the butterbeer and stroking her finger over the Niffler.
"I don't know what I need, Newt. I was told my skills would be useful in this." She says, her eyes going over the group then back at the magizooligist, "whatever that means." she adds, muttering slightly.
"What about Tina? Is Tina coming?" Jacob asks, drawing the attention from the Auror.
"Tina's.. not available. Tina's... been promoted. She's.... very, very busy," Newt stutters, pausing slightly before continuing, "from what I understand."
"Tina's been made Head of the American Auror Office. We know each other well, she's quite a remarkable woman." Lally says with a smile. Newt stands for a moment, watching Lally,
"She is."
"So this is the team that's going to stop the most dangerous wizard we've faced in over a century?" Theseus says and meets Madeleine's eyes as he talks, before looking over the group in the carriage, "a magizooligist, his indispensable assistant, a school teacher, a wizard descended from a very old French family, a dragonoligist Auror... and a Muggle. A baker!... with his fake wand."
Madeleine lets out a small laugh, putting down the butterbeer but still stroking Teddy.
"Hey. We got you too, pal. And his wand works." Jacob replies with a smile and then knocks back a drink.
"True. Who wouldn't like our chances?"
Jacob let's out a loud giggle and Madeleine laughs at the muggle before handing Teddy back to Newt and sliding off the counter. She picks up Stan and walks over to one of the windows, looking out at the blurred hills.


The train pulls into the station in Berlin. The platform was crowded with people.
Inside one of the carriages, Newt is kneeling down by his case, gently closing it after feeding the Qilin, much too Madeleine's curiosity.
"You're all right, little on." Newt addresses the Qilin as he closes the case. Madeleine's sat on an armchair, her feet crossed and Stan purring in her lap as she gently strokes his back.
"Berlin... wonderful." Lally says as Newt stands and turns to her. The school teacher is stood by the blonde, looking out of the window. There is an Auror standing out on the platform. He is tall and has a stiff demeanour. Clearly doing a terrible job of blending in with the crowds. The train comes to a halt, the engine hissing and the passengers inside, begin to collect their things. Kama is first to the door.
"Kama, stay safe." Theseus says, locking eyes with the wizard. The man nods and then exits the train, Madeleine watching him go. She turns her head when she hears Bunty speak,
"I must be going too now, Newt."
She reaches her hand over to his case and entwines it over Newt's, around the handle.
"No one can know everything. Not even you." She says. Newt looks up at her but she doesn't continue to talk. He hesitantly releases the handle and she walks out the door and onto the platform. The woman looks at Kama before the two walk away in opposite directions, Newt watching his case disappear from view.
Madeleine sighs and rises from the chair, lifting Stan and putting him on her shoulder.
"Let's go." she says and the remaining group exit the carriage, making their way out of the station and into the surrounding streets as light snow begins to fall.
The five of them move through the streets, following Newt, quietly.
"Right... well, here it is." He says, leading them into an alleyway and toward a brick wall, which was bearing a crest. The group strides towards the wall - Jacob looking anxious - and pass through it, appearing on the other side. Looking around, Madeleine notes where they are. There is massive banners looming over the streets with the faces of Anton Vogel. Further on a building looms surrounded by supporters of Liu and Santos. The election.
"The German Ministry of Magic." Theseus states.
"Yes." Newt replies and Madeleine shakes her head, looking around.
"Fantastic." She says, exasperated.

A/N: was at my Nan's so didn't post this yesterday, sorry

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A/N: was at my Nan's so didn't post this yesterday, sorry. But here you go. They're in Berlin. Will keep writing little Theseus moments as they get closer and closer......

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