02 x 12

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Theseus asks.
"Yes," Newt replies, "we have a tea ceremony to attend. And if we don't hurry up, we'll be late."
Newt begins walking towards the building and Lally, Theseus and Madeleine share a glance before following.
"Jacob!" Lally calls, gesturing to the muggle, "stay with the group."
The five of them carefully weave their way through the crowds of chanting Liu and Santo supporters, heading towards the steps to the ministry with Theseus leading and Madeleine close behind him. As the approach the entrance, Newt, Theseus and Madeleine walk past Helmut, a German Auror, but another Auror stops Lally and Jacob from following after the three.
"Evening, Helmut." Theseus says to the commanding Auror.
"Theseus." Helmut replies, sending a nod towards the blonde woman beside him.
"Hey. They're with me." Theseus adds, turning to the Auror blocking the other two. The man looks at Theseus then glances over at Helmut, who nods. Jacob and Lally are released and the group go up the steps to the tea ceremony, not knowing of the threats that had entered the crowd behind them.


Inside the grand hall of the German ministry, hundreds of people mill about while teapots float through the room. Theseus walks alongside Madeleine and his brother, who is glancing about conspicuously, clearly searching for someone.
"I take it we're not here for the finger sandwiches?" Madeleine asks with a sigh.
"No. I have a message to deliver."
"A message? To who?" Theseus questions.
Newt stops at looks to the opposite end of the room. The two Aurors follow his gaze and spots Vogel, bodyguards shadowing his every step and a woman, an attaché, keeping him moving.
"You are joking." The two say, simultaneously.
Newt heads in the man's direction and Madeleine rolls her eyes, glancing at Theseus, who shrugs at the blonde, before they both follow after the wizard.
"Herr Vogel, I wonder if I could have a word-"
Newt says, drawing Vogel's attention.
"Merlin's beard! It's Mr Scamander, isn't it?" He exclaims, his bodyguards looming behind him - Theseus and Madeleine not far behind Newt. Vogel stares long at Mewt before waving his hand, signalling the bodyguards to stand down. They step away for privacy and Newt leans closer before talking quietly. The woman from earlier appears, the attaché, and says something to Vogel but he ignores her, instead replying to the magizooligist. Madeleine catches the end of his words before he's spirited away from Newt,
"I thank you, Mr Scamander."
A few second later the sound of a spoon against china cuts through the buzz of chatter in the room and all eyes turn to the woman who stands with a teacup in her hand. Once the room's attention is on her, she steps aside and Vogel takes the stage, earning applause as he steps forward.
"Thank you, thank you. I see many familiar faces here tonight. Colleagues, friends, foes..." the crowd chuckles at this and then the man continues, "within the next forty-eight hours, you, along with the rest of the wizard img world, will choose our next great leader. A choice that will shape our lives for generations to come. I have little doubt that no matter who should triumph, the Confederation will be in able hands. Liu Tao. Vicência Santos." As Vogel gestures to the two, the people in the room applaud, "it's at moments such as these we are reminded that it is this peaceful transfer of power that marks our humanity and demonstrates to the world that, despite our differences, all voices deserve to be heard." The man looks off and Madeleine frowns, following his gaze, just as Theseus does, and spotting a group of black-clad Aurors staging themselves at each exit, "even voices which many may find disagreeable."
"Newt, Maddy," Theseus whispers, "any of those lot look familiar to you?"
The blonde nods as Newt follows their gaze,
"Paris," He says, "this night that Leta..."
"They were with Grindelwald"
Madeleine feels a slight twinge in her chest at the mention of her best friend but pushes it aside, grabbing Theseus's wrist and slowly making their way through the crowd, tracking a particular woman. Madeleine releases Theseus as he steps ahead of her, following the woman. She looks back at the two, taunting them, and they follow, Newt begins them at a distance.
"And so, after an extensive investigation," Vogel begins to conclude, "the Confederation has concluded that insufficient evidence exists to prosecute Gellert Grindelwald for the crimes against the Muggle community of which he was accused. He is hereby absolved of all his alleged crimes."
Madeleine stops in her tracks, her head whipping around as the room explodes in response - outrage, scattered cheers, confusion. Because she stops, Theseus is the only one who approaches the Aurors, demanding that they're under arrest.
The sound of a spell being cursed a couple metres from her, catches Madeleine's attention and she sees the back of Helmut and then Theseus dropping in front of him. Two Aurors lift him and begin to take him away. The blond's eyes widen as she steps forward after the group, slightly shouting,
"Theseus! Theseus!"
Behind her, Newt breaks through the crowd, Lally and Jacob behind him. Madeleine draws her wand as she follows the group with Newt behind her, but Lally runs forward and stops the two,
"Newt, Maddy. Not here. Maddy, we don't stand a chance."
Madeleine clenches her jaw as the group of Dark Aurors turn, her stare burning into Helmut.
"Let's go. Mads, Newt. They have the German Ministry. We've got to go."
She turns towards Jacob and Newt nudges Madeleine, grabbing her sleeve and guiding her after Lally. He lets go when she follows and the group exit the room quickly, entering the roar of the crowd in the streets.


A/N: let's just say that Theseus being taken, impacts Madeleine and their relationship there

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A/N: let's just say that Theseus being taken, impacts Madeleine and their relationship there. Really looking forward to writing them in the next few chapters........

Ask thanks for 1k reads. Love you all and really appreciate it xxx

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