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    Madeleine had ordered a cappuccino and Theseus, tea, as he wasn't all that used to muggle cafes.

    The two finished their conversation about Europe and both fell silent, sipping their drinks, not knowing what to say next.

    "So... we should probably talk about what happened a few days ago..." Theseus trails off.

    It had been about a week since what had happened with Grindelwald. There was still no sign of him of course. Madeleine had owled Theseus yesterday just like she'd said she would and both had received invitations to Jacob and Queenie's wedding tomorrow.

    "I assume so." Madeleine replies, "What is there to be talked about?"

    "Well, I didn't seen any harm in what happened between us and I think it's safe to say that I definitely enjoyed it." He smiles and raises his eyebrows briefly.

   She grins to herself, putting down her drink before replying, "oh yes, definitely enjoyed it. If it were to happen again..?" she smirks.

    "I wouldn't stop it, love."

    Her heart skips a beat when he says that and she tightens her grip slightly around her drink. Pushing the feeling aside, she finishes her drink, Theseus done before her, and the two get up and leave the cafe.

    As they walk down the street, they enjoy the comfortable silence that has fallen between them, walking casually. Though when their hands stroke against each other, both their breaths hitch but neither look away from the path in front of them. It happens again, and when neither makes a move to hold the other's hand, Madeleine raises a few of her fingers and holds them out against Theseus' hand, slowly interlocking their fingers together, a soft smile reaching both their faces.

    After a while they broke the silence and began talking about the search for Grindelwald and Jacob's wedding, the conversations carrying until they reach Madeleine's rented apartment. She rented it for a few weeks while she was in London, not really owning a place near the Ministry yet. It was only small with a Living room and Kitchen blended into one big room, a door leading off to a small bedroom and one bathroom, closed off beside the front door, but she made it work and enjoyed the smallness of it all.

    The two of them reach her door and she turns to him.

    "Would you like to come in?" she asks.

    ".. alright." he replies with smile. They both cringe at the sudden awkwardness, as she pulls out her wand and silently unlocks the apartment. They both step inside, Theseus looking around the front room, while Madeleine dumps her stuff on the table by the door and looks out the blinds for her spying landlady.

    She then turns to him, "It's not much, but I like the smallness of it."

    "It's fine." she grins at him.

    "Do you want something to drink?" she says, internally cringing. They'd just come from the cafe. Theseus smiles, "not right now, thank you, Mads."

    She nods in slight embarrassment, "well take a seat, make yourself comfortable, I don't really know what to do or say, to be honest." She laughs slightly and he chuckles, walking over to her.

    She looks up at him, when he approaches and stops in front of her. His eyes are focused on her lips and so she flickers her own down to his before back up to his eyes, that were now looking directly at her.

unspoken war-t.scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now