02 x 19

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THE GROUP MAKES THEIR WAY INSIDE OF THE INN WHERE THEY ARE STAYING. Madeleine almost immediately makes her way over to the bar.

She pulls herself onto a bar stool, ordering a pint of butterbeer and placing Stan in front of her.

The dragon looks up at his master with wide, puppy-like, eyes and Madeleine smiles softly before raising her hand and stroking his scales.

The butterbeer is placed in front of her and she offers the female bartender a thankful smile.

Madeleine brings the glasses to her mouth and takes a sip. She then moves to put the glass down and wipes her hand across her upper lip where froth from the drink had gathered.

Someone slides into the stool beside her.

"I'll have the same as her, please."

A smirk appears on Madeleine's lips as she rubs her thumb lightly over Stan's head.

   "How nice of you to join me for a drink." She says.

   Theseus smiles slightly and looks at her, "didn't want you drinking on your own, Mads."


   A butter beer is placed in front of Theseus and he takes a sip before turning back to the blonde, "Are you okay? After earlier in the castle? You seemed a bit out of it at dinner."

   "I don't know what you mean. I'm fine. Just old memories being resurfaced." She replies, drinking her own beer as she thought back.

   Theseus doesn't reply and a comfortable silence surrounds them as they sit at the bar and remembering old times.

   "Do you miss her?" Madeleine asks after a few minutes, "Leta?"

   Theseus says nothing.

   "I think about her all the time. That day haunts my dreams. She was my best friend but we hadn't seen each other in years and... I guess I blame myself for what happened."

   This small burst of emotion was unlike Madeleine who rarely spoke of her feelings and inner turmoil, focusing on reality and the present. Her little speech on her old friend stuns Theseus slightly while bringing up feeling and memories he prefers to forget.

   "You know, she asked me back at the French Ministry what our little relationship." Madeleine continues, "She loved you, she really did. I hate the fact I didn't get to spend as much time with her but leaving al those years ago was right for me. Leta made me see why I'd left in the first place."

   "And why was that?..." He asks, speaking for the first time since she started speaking her deeper thoughts to him.

   She doesn't reply at first, drinking her beer and staring off into the distance.

   "I think it was because of you and my relationship with people... and my inability to socialise with humans. I think after all our past at Hogwarts, when we kids, that seeing you at the Ministry was harder on me than I considered it to be." She states with hesitancy, "when I came back, I tried to avoid you, unsure of where we stood. Unsure of how things would go. How Leta would react to things. It's why I was quite rude to you, ignoring you slightly."

   Madeleine falls quiet, finishing her butter beer and stroking Stan's forehead.

   A minute later, she gets up, dropping some coins on the table and walking away from him, leaving him to his thoughts on what she'd just revealed to him.

   Theseus was unsure on how to react to Madeleine little speech on her feelings. It was unlike her but he was thankful. The feelings that had been circling in his stomach for the last few days had puzzled him. He related to much of what she said.

unspoken war-t.scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now