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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ

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Young Madeleine sat outside at the top of the Astronomy Tower, legs dangling over the edge as she watched her friends down below. Newt and Leta where together and they disappeared off to Bowtruckle Island.
As she sat there watching over the grounds she thought about the upcoming summer holidays. With her sister starting next year and her parents going on holiday without them, Madeleine wouldn't be able to stay at the school. She hated babysitting.
While stuck in her thoughts, a curly haired prefect walked over and sat down next to her.
"Lonely up here, Mads?" he asks. Madeleine looks up. It was Theseus Scamander, Newt's older brother.
"No. Can I help you?"
"Not really. Just thought you could use some company." Theseus replies with a shrug.
"We'll I don't. But if you want to stay, feel free. I'll pretend your not here."
Theseus lets out a laugh. Typical Madeleine. She never changed.
"Right, ok. But I'm a Pre-"
"-Prefect, yes I know. You've told me about a hundred times." She says leaning back as her arms lent behind her. The wind moved her hair, causing it to flutter in the wind as she let out a sigh. Theseus watched her, admiring her. He studied her jawline to the way she sat with her eyes closed.
"Your staring, Theseus." She says, slowly tilting her head to him and opening her eyes. He looks away quickly, blushing slightly.
"I wasn't. And yes I am a prefect so you shouldn't ignore me." The girl smirks and his heart flips in his chest.
"If you say so." She replies, simply. He shakes his head with a smile, looking away from the girl. Madeleine finds herself smiling back, watching him before catching herself and turning away. He felt something for her, did she feel something for him?

(present time)

Theseus and Madeleine exited the meeting room to where Leta was waiting for them. Madeleine walked over to the railing of the balcony that looked over the entrance of the French Ministry as Theseus spoke to his Fiancé about Grindelwald's rally. Madeleine had already sent an owl to Albus about it. As Madeleine watches over the ministry, Leta's raising voice caused her to turn around
"-he died. How many times, Theseus?!"
"I know, I know. And the records, the records will prove that, okay? They can't lie." Theseus replies, looking down at Leta.
"Theseus." Travers's sharp voice interrupts them and Theseus goes over to join him while Madeleine wanders over to her old best friend.
"I believe you, Leta. He's an idiot." She says, gently nudging her as Travers and Theseus talk. Leta turns to her with the ghost of a smile on her face.
Theseus spots someone over the rail. He pauses then turns to the side, running away. With a confused look on her face, Madeleine fees Leta grab her hand and pull her away from the group and through a side door.
"What? Where are we going?" Madeleine asks, turning to Leta as they release hands and walk down the adjacent corridor.
"I need to hide evidence about Corvus's death." She says as they make their way to the records room. Madeleine nods, walking beside her.
"I have a question for you, Maddy." Leta says turning her slightly towards her. Madeleine nods,
"What relationship did you have with Theseus?" She asks. There's a silence and Madeleine almost stops. She'd been expecting this question for a while because she'd known that what she'd had with the Scamander brother would be questioned at some point. But there was nothing there except an old childhood friendship and Madeleine had told him that.
"My relationship with Theseus was complicated." Madeleine says, breaking the silence, "but it's over. And there's nothing between us. You were my best friend, Leta, and I'm happy that your happy and that he is happy. You two are good together. Theseus and I are nothing and I have no problem with that." Leta nods,
"Ok. Thank you." Madeleine smiles at her friend. The two approach the doors to the record room and they bang open as they walk in. Leta approaches the balcony overlooking the room and raises her wand,
"Lestrange." She says and the shelves begin to move. Madeleine walks up behind her and watches as the shelves come to a halt. There's an empty shelf in front of them, a mark in the dust where a box would have sat and a slip of parchment in its place. Leta picks it up and reads aloud,
"Records moved to Lestrange family tomb at Père Lachaise." Her shoulders sink slightly and Madeleine tilts her head as she notices a familia looking bowtruckle hiding among the shelves. She raises her wand,
The tower turns, revealing Newt and another women clinging to it on the other side.
"Hello, Newt." Leta says, as a small smile appears on Madeleine's face.
"Hello, Leta. Maddy." Newt says.
"Hi." The woman next to says, awkwardly but kindly.
Behind them a woman enters, surround by growling Matagons.
"What kind or cats are those?" Leta asks.
"They aren't cats, they're Matagons." Madeleine replies, her hand drifting to her wand as Newt continues her statement,
"They're spirit familiars. They guard the Ministry, but they won't hurt you unless you-"
"-Stupefy." Leta interrupts him, shooting the spell at one of the cats. It fails and causes the Matagons to multiply instead.
"Unless you attack them!" Newt finishes.
"Oops." Leta replies.
"Leta! Maddy!" Newt shouts. Leta climbs over the railing and joins Newt and Tina on the shelf stack. Madeleine turns to them and points her wand at the shelves,
"Reverte." She say before spinning around and shooting another spell at the Matagots. She climbs over the balcony and jumps onto another shelf as the Matagots surge forward. As all the shelves spin, Madeleine jumps down next to the others and they run through the room and away from the attacking Matagots. As they disappear, the shelves then retract into the floor, leaving the Matagots prowling towards where the four were originally standing but instead sat Newt's case.
There's a small silence before a Zouwu flies out of it, Newt clinging to its back, and towards the Matagots.
"Accio." Newt says, pointing his wand at the case, which flies to his hand. The Zouwu fights the cats and Newt raises his wand to the ceiling,
"Ascendio." He shouts and the towers rise once again from the floor as they transcend to the top and the Zouwu clambers across the balcony.

I just realised how there will be less chapters in this act compared to act two lol. I've also picked young Madeleine face claim. It's on TikTok.
Hope you are enjoying this book xx

Hope you are enjoying this book xx

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