02 x 13

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NEWT, MADELEINE, LALLY AND JACOB CHASE a ministry official down a corridor.
"The man that I'm inquiring about is the Head of the British Auror Office!" Newt exclaimes.
"How could you have misplaced the Head of the British Auror Office?!" Madeleine adds.

The official turns to face the two, staring blankly at them, "It's our contention that since he was never in our custody, we never misplaced him."
"Sir, there were dozens of people there. Any one of them can corroborate-" Lally begins.
"And you name is?"
"Lets get out of here.... Hey! Wait! That's the guy!" Jacob says. The other three turn and Madeleine spots Helmut emerging from an office, accompanied by the Auror she'd spotted on the train platform upon their arrival in Berlin. She moves forward to follow with Jacob and Jacob gestures to the official, while Newt, Lally go after him and Madeleine.

"Excuse me! Hey! That's the guy. He knows where Theseus is." Jacob shouts after Helmut, "Hello! Where's Theseus?!"
The Auror ignores him and continues to walk with the four following after him, persistently.
"That's him. He knows about Theseus."
Suddenly, a sheet of glass slides out of a side entrance, separating the group from Helmut and causing Madeleine to let out a loud sigh.


The four of them slip out of a side entrance and into the streets but Lally stops and calls Newt's attention. They turn back and see a glove floating in midair. It points around the corner and Newt walks forward, catching then glove in his hand. The four then proceed to follow a second glove and Newt approaches a figure behind a pillar. Dumbledore.
Dumbledore takes the glove from the air and the other from Newt and then proceeds to lead the others, briskly down a busy street.
"Albus." Newt says.
"Theseus has been taken to the Erkstag,"
"But the Erkstag shut down years ago." Madeleine replies.

"Yes, well, it's the Ministry's secret little bad-and-breakfast now. You'll need this to see him.... and one of these.... and this." he places both gloves into his hat and pulls out some papers, slipping them to Madeleine. The blonde skims threw it, muttering as she translates the German into English in her head before handing them all to Newt. Dumbledore leads them to a wall and they head through it, much to Jacob's dislike as he pushed through by Lally.

"I trust you're enjoying your wand, Mr Kowalski?" Dumbledore asks the baker.
"Me? Oh, yeah. Thank you, Mr Dumbledore. It's a real pip."
"I advise you to keep it close." He fishes a pocket watch from his coat and angles it as Madeleine leans against the pillar they've stopped by.

"Professor Hicks,"
"Assuming you're not otherwise engaged, and frankly, even if you are, I'd encourage you to attend tonight's Candiates' Dinner. Take Mr Kowalski. I'm quite certain there will be an assassination attempt. Anything you could do to scotch that would be greatly appreciated."

"It's my pleasure. I shall welcome the challenge. Besides, I'll have Jacob with me."

At this, the muggle looks mildly alarmed and Madeleine chuckles under her breath, smiling at his reaction.
"Not to worry," Dumbledore says to him, "Professor Hicks's defensive magic is superb. Until next time." he doffs his hat with a smile and walks away.
"Such a flatterer." Lally says and Madeleine turns her smile to the Professor, "Well, not really. It is superb." The blonde laughs. Newt steps forward, calling out "Albus." and goes after Dumbledore.

____________ NOTE FROM POPS!

I totally didn't forget to publish this on Friday, but Happy Easter y'all. And sorry it's really short.

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