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           IT WAS A COLD WINTER NIGHT AND THE CRESCENT MOON SHONE IN THE SKY AS A CERTAIN BLOND FEMALE SAT AT THE OPEN WINDOW IN THE HALL OUTSIDE HER ROOM. She'd spent a lot of time thinking while she lay in bed and then decided to get up, not being able to sleep.

She'd pushed aside the vase and letters that were on the cabinet under the window, and pulled herself onto it, opening the big window and tucking her legs up against her body.

Madeleine had pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lit one with her wand.

She was now still sitting there, taking drags of the cigar in her hand and mindlessly staring out over Hogsmeade, stuck away in her internal storm which was her thoughts.

The sound of creaking brings her attention away from the village and to the stairs two doors down from where she is sitting. She watches the doorway to the stairs and listens to the creaking of the floorboards, her cigarette in the hand resting on her knees and her breath almost caught in her chest.

Theseus appears at the doorway, glass in hand and a surprised look etched on his face when he spots her.

Madeleine lets out the breath she is holding, "oh my god." she murmurs.

"Maddy?! What are you doing? Are you smoking?" he asks, walking over to her.

She shrugs and lifts the cigar to her mouth, taking a drag, before holding it out to him.

"Can I tempt you, T?"

He looks down at it then back at her before sighing deeply and placing the glass on the cabinet she was sat on. He takes the cigar from her hand and takes a drag, a peaceful look on his face.

"Yeah." Madeleine mutters. He holds it back to her and she plucks it from his fingers, putting it to her lips.

"I didn't know you smoked, Maddy." he says.

She shrugs, blowing out smoke and turning to look at him as she held the cigar out to him.

"I don't usually. But it's been a long day and i needed some peace," she watches him take a drag, "looks like you needed some too." she adds, taking it back.

It was his turn to shrug as he watches her taking another drag of the cigarette.

"Well, it's been a long day."

She smiles and lets out a light chuckle, handing it back to him.

There's a silence as the two just enjoy each others company and take it in turns with Madeleine's cigarette.

"I'm sor-" they both turn and speak at the same time. The two laugh and Theseus gestures to her,

"You go?"

"Ok," she smiles and then lets it fade before speaking, "i'm sorry about earlier, T, I wanted to get it off my chest and i thought that if i told you all that then it would make things clearer in my mind but it really hasn't eased me from anything. I didn't want to burden you with my thoughts or anything and i'm sorry."

"You have nothing the apologise for, Mads. I'm glad you told me because from everything i know about you, you never tell anyone your thoughts and feelings. If anything, i'm sorry for being a dick."

"Oh so you're confessing you're dick now then, huh?!" Madeleine asks, tilting her head at him. Theseus laughs and shakes his head, "especially after you said earlier you were 'giving your opinion and not being a dick'"

The two chuckle quietly and Theseus rolls his eyes, "fine. yes, i'm confessing that i was a dick."

"Ha! Knew it."

"Oh my god." he shakes his head and she laughs slightly, a wide smile on her face as she watches him. No one says anything for a few seconds before Madeleine speaks up.

"Well, thank you, for what you said. But i will apologise for saying everything that would've probably been better to remain un said." she says, slightly guiltily.

"I don't think that. I think it's good you talked about your thoughts, M." he tells her, "i think it was necessary."

The two look at each other for a minute before Madeleine breaks the eye contact. She sighs loudly and moves so she'd perched on the edge of the cabinet.

The blond rubs the end of the cigarette against the outside wall of the window before vanishing it with her wand.

"Well I should go to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow."

Theseus doesn't say anything as he just watches her, stare at the floor before looking at him.

He was in front of her about 40 centimetres away. The eye contact the two had immediately was dangerously intoxicating. Madeleine slowly slid to the ground, looking up at himdespite the situation she was still a foot shorter than him.

The distance between them was merely inches and it was very tempting to move closer.

Neither spoke as they just stare at each other, unknowingly edging closer.

Theseus leans down just as Madeleine goes to lean up and their lips brush against each other, their breaths fanning against the others face.

Madeleine lifts her head and crashes her lips against his, her hand going to his chest and sliding up to his shoulder as he kisses her back. Their lips mould together perfectly and the more their lips moved the more they missed they other. The other person's lips on theirs, their touch, their love. The kiss was filled with passion and apologies and the need for each other that they hadn't realized till that moment.

After a couple minutes, the two pull apart, their foreheads resting against each other as they breath heavily. As soon as the two lock eyes, small chuckles escape their lips. This was what they both needed.

They pull their heads apart but Madeleine's hand remains on Theseus' shoulder and his on her neck as they look at each other.

"I should go to bed." Madeleine whispers.

Theseus nods but neither look away from each other.

So instead of letting go of her, he pulls her into another deep kiss which she immediately returns.

They pull apart a second later and the two hesitantly let go of each other.

"Good night, T." Madeleine says, squeezing his arm and picking up her wand from where it rested on the cabinet behind her.

"Night, M."

They share a smile before Madeleine walks over to the room she was sharing with Lally.

Theseus watches her leave and the two exchange a smile before she disappears into the room.

The Auror turns back to the window and he smiles widely, letting out a sigh as he runs a hand through his brown curls with a small laugh. He picks up the glass of water he'd gone down to get about an hour ago before turning and going back to the room he was sharing with his brother.

Meanwhile, Madeleine turns and leans her head against the door after she closes it and a small laugh escapes her lips as she closes her eyes. She sighs peacefully before going back to bed, a happy smile resting on her lips.

She would be able to sleep now.

——————— NOTE FROM POPS!!


   I'm so thankful for over 5k reads and 100 votes, you all mean the world to me. When I first started this book I didn't think anyone would read it and it isn't the best as it's my first proper book.

   Love you all <33

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