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     THEY ASCEND THE GREAT STEPS THAT GO UPTO THE EYRIE, BANNERS OF GRINDELWALD, LIU AND SANTOS ALL AROUND. A screen shows the Qilin standing in front of Grindelwald, causing Theseus and Madeleine to pause in their steps, the others stopping after them. They watch as the creature bows in front of him.

   "The Qilin has seen. Seen goodness, strength, qualities essential to lead to guide us. Who do you see?" Vogel's voice rings out in question.

   The four of them stare around in shock as Wanda are thrust into the air, colours shooting into the air. All green. Grindelwald's green.

   The four stand stunned as Vogel announces, "Gellert Grindelwald is the new leader of the magic world by acclamation!"

   They watch the screen as Grindelwald steps forward. The camera pans onto Jacob.

   "This is the man who tried to take my life," Grindelwald says, "This man who has no magic, who would marry a witch and pollute our blood. This forbidden union will make us less, make us weak, like his kind. He is not alone, my friends. There are thousands who seek to do the same. There can only be one response to such vermin."

   The man raises Jacob's wand and tosses it away before raising his own. As the muggle turns to face him, Grindelwald shoots him with a spell, sending him to sprawl at Queenie's feet.


   Jacob squirms in pain and Madeleine's hands fly to cover her mouth as she watches. The four of them all staring at the screen in shock.

   She takes her hands from her mouth and instead grabs Theseus', dragging him forward as the group back to continue back up the steps.

   "Our war with the Muggles begins today!"

   At Grindelwald's words, his supports cheer wildly.

   Santos raises her wand and removes the curse from Jacob and he lies back in Queenie's arms in relief.

   As they reach the back of the crowds at the top of the stairs, the screen shows Credence turning to face the cameras.

   "He's lying to you. That creature is dead." He says before falling to his knees.

   Newt pulls free of his captors and steps forward, while the group of four gently push through the crowd to get to the front.

   "He did it to trick you," Newt tells everyone, "he killed it and bewitched it so that you might think him worthy to lead. But he doesn't want to lead you, he just wants you to follow."

   "Words. Words designed to deceive," Grindelwald says, "to make you doubt what you've seen with your own two eyes."

   "There were two Qilins born that night. A twin. And I know that, I know that—"

   "Because...? Because you have no proof. Because there was no second Qilin. Am I not right?"

   "Its mother had been killed." Newt defends.

   "Then where is it now, Mr Scamander?" Grindelwald questions and looks at the magizooligist triumphantly.

   A green-robed dignitary steps into the light, case in hand, and holds it own to Newt, who stares at it, dumbfounded. The figure looks up to reveal, Bunty.

   "No one can remember everything, Newt. Remember?" She reminds him. She glances around, uncomfortably, then moves away.

   Newt opens the lid of the case and a small head emerges, peering out. A small smile breaks out on Madeleine's face as she watches in relief. The Qilin was alive!

unspoken war-t.scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now