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   It's one of the first few games of the season, we're about two months in. I'm sat in a suite along with Tage Thompson's wife and baby to watch the game. "Will you hold him while I go to the bathroom and get a drink?" Rachel asks. I nod with a smile and take the baby gladly. "Do you need anything?" She asks. "A water please." I say and she nods. I play with the baby and watch the game.

   Rasmus scores and I clap the babies hands due to my boyfriend getting a goal. Rachel comes back with our drinks and congratulates me. "Can I hold him for a bit longer?" I ask and she nods smiling. "How much longer until you and Ras have one." She nudges me while laughing. "I don't know but he better hurry up and propose so we can have one." I laugh back and bounce the baby.

   I talk to the baby and Rachel and go back to watching the game. Marchand checks Ras from the back and he just lies there. "Shit." I mumble under my breath. Everyone goes quiet as he is laying motionless on the ice. "Ras come on." I mumble and hand the baby back. Rasmus manages to get up on his knees but is still too weak to stand. "Go down there Y/n, go to him." Rachel says. I grab my stuff and am escorted by security downstairs.

   As I get to the back I hear Rasmus talking to the medical staff. "My knee, he checked me and my leg bent backwards. I felt it pop. God it hurts." He says. I knock on the door and they allow me in. I set my things down on a chair next to the medical bed. I walk over to Rasmus and he immediately grabs my hand. "I'm okay." He says quickly. "Ras I heard you, I know." I squeeze his hand and kiss his head. Without taking anything off they stick his leg in ice, to keep the swelling down.

   "I want to go back out." Rasmus says. "I'm sorry but you can't tonight. Rest for the night and you can practice tomorrow, then we'll go from there." The doctor says. "No I can play." Rasmus argues. "Ras listen to them." I say and he looks up at me with those blue eyes. "I can play." He says again. "It's okay. You did good." I respond. "Keep icing it, I'll be back in a bit." The doctor says before walking out and closing the door behind him.

   "I want to play." Rasmus says once again. "Love you did good. You got a goal already. You guys are winning right now. Relax." I say calmly and he sighs. "I can play." He whispers. Rasmus has always been stubborn and sensitive no matter what happens but I can't let him hurt himself more. "Rasmus look at me." I say and he does with tears in his eyes. "You've done amazing tonight, please believe me when I tell you this. You need rest. You need to stay here tonight and ice it, you can go back out on the ice tomorrow." I say.

   "Okay." He whispers. I take him in my arms and hug him while he lightly whimpers into the Dahlin jersey I have on. "I wanna go home." He says. "After you get taken care of we will go home." I say and he nods. "Do you want me to get you food?" I ask, he shakes his head no. The doctor walks back in and he helps Rasmus into the locker room to get changed. Then comes back to me, "I will wrap it and I want you to make sure he keeps it wrapped and ices it. If anything goes wrong just give me a call." He says. "Thank you." I respond.

   I walk into the locker room and sit down next to him. "Can I help you?" I ask. "No." He answers quietly. I watch him struggle to bend down and untie his skate for a few moments before I sit down on the ground in front of him. "I got it." I say and loosen the laces and take the skate off. "Thank you." He says while I stand back up. He undresses and puts on his clothes as the doctor comes back in. "Okay I'm gonna wrap it, only take it off if you shower then put it back on. Tomorrow I'll watch you skate and make sure everything is working the way it should." The doctor explains.

   After Rasmus is okay to leave i put on my jacket, grab my purse and then his arm. "Lean on me if you need to." I say sternly. As we walk to the car he tries to get in the drivers seat. "No, I'll drive. You sit over there." I say and he sighs. "Please Rasmus, you have done enough. Just relax on the way home." I say and he nods. It can get frustrating trying to take care of him because he's so stubborn but such a big baby at the same time.

   I get him in the passenger seat and he buckles up while I get in the drivers seat. I don't really like driving but I know I need to take care of him. "Go to sleep until we get home." I say as we pull out of the parking lot. "And leave you alone while driving? No way." He smiles causing me to as well. "Rachel let me hold the baby." I say. "Was he good?" He asks. "Of course he was. Tage and Rachel are great parents." I respond. "She asked when we were gonna have one." I laugh.

   "What'd you say?" He asks, looking over at me. "I said you have to propose." I smirk, glancing over at him. "That I do." He smirks back. Rasmus starts to pick at the wrap that covers his knee. "Ras stop, let it be." I say. I pull into the driveway and get out of the car before helping him out. We get in the house and I help him over to the couch before going back to the door, close it, and lock it. "Are you going to shower?" I ask and he nods.

   "Okay just be careful, wrap it up when you're done, call me if you need me." I say and he nods. "Are you hungry?" I ask. "No, just tired." He says and I nod. "Be careful. I'll be in the bedroom." I say and he nods, making his way to the bedroom, grabbing clothes, then going into the bathroom. I go into our bedroom and change my clothes before getting in bed and grabbing my book. After about 15 minutes Rasmus makes his way back into the bedroom. "Better?" I ask and he nods. "Can you help me wrap it again?" He asks and I nod, closing my book.

   "Sit down." I say and he does. I wrap his knee once again and help him lift it up onto the bed. "Sleepy?" I ask and he nods. I turn off the light on his nightstand and walk to my side of the bed. My phone rings and I pick it up. "Hey Rachel, how was the rest of the game?" I ask, putting my book on my night stand and getting into bed. "It was good, we won. How's Rasmus doing?" She asks. "He's alright, resting in bed. The doctor said to keep it wrapped and we'll see how practice goes tomorrow." I respond while Rasmus cuddles into my side. I wrap an arm around him and play with his hair.

   "I'm glad. Alright well I'll let you go, just wanted to check in. Take care of him and yourself Y/n. Good luck with the big baby." She laughs. "I'm gonna need it." I laugh back. "Alright goodnight Y/n." "Goodnight Rachel." I hang up and set my phone down on the nightstand after plugging it in. "What'd she want?" He mumbles into me. "Checking up on you." I say. "Do you want any medicine?" I ask. "He gave me some already." He responds.

   I turn off my light and lay down, Rasmus adjusting to the new position and laying his head on my chest. "Wake me up if you need anything Ras." I say. "I will angel. Thank you." He responds. "I love you." I say. "I love you." Rasmus replies.

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