Hockey Trip

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   The Sabres along with staff are traveling to do some team building stuff. We're going to Florida for a few days to bring in the new guys and make them comfortable. We're not going to any of the big theme parks, just going to the beach and some fun hockey things to get everyone included. We reach the hotel after getting off the plane, it's about 11 at night, and each go to get the keys to our rooms. I got myself a small room because I don't do good in hotels and I really don't wanna room with someone who will see that.

   "Hello, how are you?" The lady asks me. "I'm good how are you?" I respond. "I'm well. Can I have your last name please?" I give her my last name and she asks me to spell it. "Are you sure you booked a room?" She asks. "Yes, I have the confirmation email." I say and pull out my phone. "Oh I'm sorry miss, that room has been closed last minute due to maintenance issues." She says. "Okay, is there another room available?" I ask frustrated. I have nowhere else to go. "We're booked. I apologize." She says.

   I sigh and nod. Now what am I gonna do? "Go ahead Ras, I need to figure this out." I say and step out of the way, letting Rasmus check in. I google hotels around us and make a few calls but they're all completely booked. I might have to fly back home. Rasmus walks over to me and smiles. He hands me a key and fixes his bag on his shoulder. "They're booked. How did you get this?" I ask. "It's my room. I know it isn't ideal but we can share a room, no big deal. It's only a few days." He says. I smile and nod appreciatively.

   "Thank you Ras." I say. We head up to his room and he opens the door. There's only one bed. We can't sleep in the same bed. I don't think I'm allowed to. I can't sleep in the same bed as Rasmus Dahlin and be perfectly normal about it. I've always found him attractive and he's so sweet too. I can't. "It'll be okay." He says and lets me in. "Is it alright for us to sleep in the same bed?" I ask nervously. "I don't see why not." He says. "What about our rest day, I'm sure you'll want to go out. I shouldn't stay in your room alone. I mean, I won't do anything I just don't think it's right." I ramble.

   "Hey, Y/n, look at me." He says and I do. "It's alright. We can share the bed, you can stay here if I go out, if it gets too much I can sleep on the floor." He says. I nod and set my bags down. "I'm gonna shower before bed." I say and he nods. I grab my things and go into the bathroom before closing and locking the door. I turn the water on before getting into the warm water. I do my things and let my mind wander. I give it about 2 minutes before Rasmus pops into my head.

   I'm sharing a bed with him. What if he doesn't sleep in a shirt? What if my shorts are too short? He's gonna think I'm trying to seduce him. Oh my gosh, what if he thinks i'm trying to get with him? I will be so embarrassed. I can't do this! What if he thinks I only showered because I wanted to smell good or shave for him? Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing. It's just a shower, normal people shower. I shouldn't be freaking out, right?

   Before I know it there's a knock on the bathroom door. "You okay in there?" I hear Rasmus ask. How long have I been in here? Good going Y/n. "Yeah, I was just thinking. I'll be out in a minute. Sorry!" I call and turn off the water. Thinking?! I'm so stupid. I dry off and put on my clothes before brushing my hair. I open the door and start to do my skin care. "Do you need to shower?" I ask. "Yeah, but I can get in and then you can come back in and finish up in here. I don't mind." He says.

   "Like while you're in the shower?" I ask and he nods. "Um, okay. As long as you're comfortable with it." I say and leave the bathroom, letting him get in the shower. "You can come back in." He says and I open the door hesitantly. I start to do my things, my face red the whole time. There's only a thin cloth separating us. "What side of the bed do you want?" He asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. "It's your room, you can chose." I manage to get the words out of my throat. "No you can. If you'll feel more protected further away from the door than I'll sleep closer to the door. If you'd rather sleep closer to the door than you can." He says.

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