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   I am going to the mall with my friend Rasmus today around 4. He and I have been friends for a while and he has helped me through a lot. There is something between us, it is just unspoken, it always has been. Although it is just him and I, it is not a date. I hear my alarm go off but I shut it off, roll over, and go back to sleep. I know I should get up because I have to get ready but I know Rasmus won't get mad at me.

   I wake up and feel someones arms around me causing me to open my eyes. I see Rasmus sleeping next to me and smile. I move his hair out of his face and he starts to wake up. ¨Good morning sleepy head.¨ I laugh. He smiles and rubs my back. ¨It is cold outside. You and your bed were warm so I laid down and went back to sleep.¨ He explains. ¨We could just stay here.¨ I say. ¨Y/n going to the mall was your idea.¨ He laughs. ¨But I am warm.¨ I laugh back. ¨Come on.¨ He says and takes the blankets off me.

   I cuddle into him in order to stay warm and he wraps his arms tightly around my body. He kisses my head and lets me stay there. ¨Okay help me pick out my outfit.¨ I say, getting up. Rasmus rolls over so he is facing my closet and props his head up on his hand. I open my closet and take out leggings since I want to be comfortable. ¨Wear the fuzzy ones you have. It will keep you warm.¨ He says and I nod, putting the ones I had back and get out my warm ones.

   I take out a T-shirt to put on under a hoodie and take off the shirt I had on. I don't even bother make Rasmus move or me go to the bathroom because I am so comfortable around him. I put on my pants and go back to look for a hoodie. ¨Wear the one on your chair.¨ He says. ¨What one? I cleaned my room last night.¨ I say. ¨I brought you one. We got new ones yesterday.¨ He says. I go to the chair and see a new black and red Sabres hoodie.

   ¨Have you worn it?¨ I ask, picking it up. ¨No but I sprayed my cologne on it before I left so it smells like me.¨ He says. I smile and slip it on, loving the smell of it. Since he is 6'3 it is huge on me., it is like a dress. I put on my plaid black and red fuzzy socks to keep my feet warm as well. ¨Get a jacket too.¨ He says, sitting up. I nod and grab my jacket, throwing it on the bed. I sit down at my vanity and brush through my hair and then put on mascara.

   The whole time I see Rasmus watching me. I stand up, slip on my shoes and grab my jacket. I put everything I need in my purse and unplug my phone. Rasmus slips his shoes back on and we walk into the living room together. ¨We can get food when we get there.¨ He says and I nod. We walk out of the house, locking the door behind us and get into his car. Rasmus starts to drive to the mall and we talk the whole way.

   As we stop at a redlight I get a text causing me to open my phone. It is a text from my ex; 'I miss you. Do you wanna meet up? I get out of work at 5.' I sigh and respond, 'No, I have plans. We ended things months ago. You need to stop Ben.' I close my phone and lean my head back against the seat. ¨What is the matter?¨ Rasmus asks, resting his hand on top of mine. ¨Ben texted me again. He says he misses me and wants to meet up. I told him I had plans and that we broke up months ago so he needs to stop.¨ I say.

   ¨Don't let him ruin our day Y/n. You should stop responding when he texts you.¨ Rasmus says, pulling into the mall parking lot. ¨I know.¨ I respond and unbuckle once we get into a spot. ¨Do you want food now or do you want to wait?¨ Rasmus asks as we get out of the car. ¨We can eat.¨ I say. He nods and we walk into the mall. We reach an actual resturant instead of going to a food court and get seated.

   After a few moments a waiter comes over, I look up at him and it is Ben. He makes eyes contact with me and looks back and forth between Rasmus and I a few times. ¨This is your plans?¨ He asks. ¨Ben just do your job. Then I will leave and I won't have to see you again.¨ I say. ¨No, I need to know what is going on between you two.¨ He says. ¨That is none of your buisness. What happens between Rasmus and I does not effect you in any way. Now, we will take two waters.¨ I say and he does not leave. ¨If this is going to be an issue I am getting a new waiter.¨ I say and he walks away. ¨Just my luck.¨ I laugh.

Rasmus Dahlin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now