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   I haven't been feelings well all night but Rasmus has a morning practice and a game tonight so I keep it to myself. It's around 3 in the morning and I'm back at the toilet. I finish up my business and head back to bed. "Baby?" Rasmus mumbles groggily, not feeling me in his arms anymore. "I'm here, I just had to go to the bathroom." I half lie. He wraps his arms around me once again and drifts off to sleep.

   I feel him moving waking me up from my light sleep. "Going to practice?" I ask lightly, losing my voice. "Yes, I'll be back soon though I promise." He says. I nod and pull the blankets up over my shoulders. "What's the matter?" He asks, sitting down by my legs. "Nothing." I mumble. "You're pale and shivering angel, what's wrong?" He asks again. "I'm cold." I answer shortly.

   "I'll be back in a hour or two, stay in bed my love." He says and places a kiss on my head. I nod and finally fall asleep as he leaves the house.

   A while later I feel the bed dip next to me. "Ras?" I ask quietly. "I'm back. I went shopping and got you some food that shouldn't upset your stomach." He says. "Thank you handsome." I say and turn to face him. I put my arm over his waist and snuggle my head into his neck. "Can we just stay here for a bit?" I ask. "Of course angel." He responds and wraps his arm around me.

   "How long have you not felt good for?" He asks me. "I feel fine." I respond. "No angel, be honest. I can tell you're not feeling well." He insists. "Since last night." I answer finally. "Why didn't you wake me up?" He asks. "You had practice this morning and a game tonight." I explain. "I don't care about that stuff angel. If I'm tired, I'm tired. I want you to be okay." He says.

   "I know but it was late." I argue. "Okay, it's okay. Let's just relax until I have to go again." He says, putting me at ease. "Okay." I say. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I feel myself drifting off to sleep again. When I wake up I look up and see Rasmus looking down at me. "How'd you sleep?" He asks. "Good, thanks." I reply. "Hungry yet?" He asks, I just nod.

   He gets up and walks over to my side of the bed. "What are you doing?" I ask. He picks me up bridal style and carries me out to the kitchen. Rasmus sits me down at the table in a chair. "Stay here, I'll get your food." He says. He goes to a bag on the counter and brings it over to the table. "Here, eat slowly." He says and sits down next to me. I take out soup and crackers from the bag.

   I open it and start to eat while Rasmus gets his food. "Are you on a diet?" I ask. "Yeah, just for the week." He answers. I nod and finish my food. "Okay my love, I've got to head back. I'll get your blanket and pillow for you and you can sit on the couch to watch the game on the big TV." He says and I nod. I clean up our mess and head to the couch where Ras is setting up the makeshift bed. "I cleaned up the kitchen." I say and sit down on the couch. "I would've gotten it." He says while leaning down to kiss my head.

   I lay down and he covers me up with the blanket. "Do good hockey boy." I say and he kisses my lips. "If you get sick it's your own fault." I laugh. He kisses me again before going out the door. I turn on MSG and watch whatever is on already. I set an alarm for thirty minutes before the game so I can watch the pregame and close my eyes. My alarm goes off and I sit up some to watch the pregame and eventually the game.

   The game finishes, we won 4-3 and I turn the TV off. I lay back down on the couch and close my eyes once again. I am woken up by arms wrapping around me, starling me. "It's alright angel, I'm just bringing you to the bed." I relax at the sound of Rasmus's voice. I cuddle into his chest as he carries me to our room. Rasmus sets me down on the bed and goes back out into the living room to get my stuff.

   He comes back in, covers me up and kisses me lightly. "I'm going to shower, stay put." He says and I nod. I cuddle up into the blankets and go on my phone. I scroll mindlessly through social media, feeling myself fall asleep again until my phone is lightly taken out of my hands. "Sleepy girl." He smiles at me. I laugh lightly and nod. "Ready for bed my love?" He asks and I nod once again.

   Rasmus lays down next to me and pulls me into his arms. "You're a big teddy bear Ras." I smile and look up at him. He looks down and pecks my nose. "It's because I love you." He beams. "I love you too Ras, so so so much." I reply. He takes my head in his hand and cups my face, bringing our lips together. "Ras you're gonna get sick." I say while pulling away. "Then we will be sick together." He laughs. "No, you need to be healthy." I say.

   "Blah blah." He says, kissing me once again, causing me to laugh. "God I love you." I smile. "Time for bed sleepy girl." He says and kisses my forehead before turning off the lights. I cuddle up to him and he holds me close to his body. "Goodnight angel. Wake me if you need me." Is the last thing I hear him say before I drift off to sleep in my boyfriends arms.

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