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   It is Henri Jokiharu's birthday and Rasmus and I, along with majorty of the team and their girlfriends/wives is going out with him. It is his 23rd and we are all going out  to a nice restaruant. I put on a nice black skin tight dress and walk out into the bedroom. I did all my makeup except my lipstick already so that is all I have to do. My curls have fallen by now as well so my hair is done too. ¨Ras finish getting ready.¨ I say, seeing him in only dress pants.

   He scoots to the edge of the bed and jestures me towards him. I walk over and stand in between his legs. He wraps his arms around me and places his hands on the small of my back. ¨Don't you think this is a bit much. Joki is single.¨ Rasmus says, I know he is talking about the dress because it shows a lot of clevage. ¨And I'm not single. Henri knows we are together Ras. Now put on a shirt, we are leaving soon.¨ I say and kiss his head.

   I step away from him and walk to the vanity to put on my red lipstick. I decided on red accents to go with the dress, red lips, red heels, and a red purse. Ras is wearing a black shirt with red accents on it as well. I sit on the bed and pull my heels on. They are red strappey tall heels so I am not the shortest one there.

   ¨Ras come here, I wanna take a picture or two before we leave.¨ I say and go over to the full length mirror we have in our bedroom. He slips his hand around my waist and I take a few pictures. ¨Thank you.¨ I say and kiss his cheek. ¨Ready?¨ He asks and I nod. We walk out of the house after making sure everything is locked up and get into his car. The reastarunt is about 15 minuites away so I make an Instagram post and set one of the pictures I took as my wallpaper.

   We listen to music and talk most of the way there. While Rasmus is driving his hand never once leaves my thigh. We pull into the parking lot and get out of the car at the same time as Tage and Rachel get out of theirs. Rachel and I see each other and run to each other despite the fact that we are both in heels. Once we reach each other our arms go around each other. ¨You look so gorgeous.¨ We both say at the same time.

   We laugh as the boys catch up and hug each other quickly. ¨Who is watching the baby?¨ I ask. ¨My mom.¨ Tage says. I nod and the four of us walk into the restaurant. Tage takes Rachels hand and Ras slips his arm around my waist. The host brings us to the back where the party is and then leaves. It looks like we are some of the last people to get here. Rasmus and I walk up to Henri and he smiles at the sight of us.

   ¨Happy birthday!¨ I say and hug him. His arm goes to the small of my back and we pull away quickly. Rasmus is the next to hug him but he does not seem to enjoy it. Everyone sits down at the table since we are all here, Rasmus on one side of me and Henri on the other. Rasmus takes my hand and holds it under the table, resting it on my thigh. My dress begins to ride up a bit and since I do not have a jacket and neither does Rasmus, I am kinda stuck.

   ¨Hey Henri?¨ I ask and he turns to me. ¨Could I use your jacket? My dress is just a little too short when I sit.¨ I say and he nods, pulling it off the back of his chair and handing it to me. Rasmus lets go of my hand and turns his body away from me. I furrow my brows trying to figure out what is wrong. The waitresses come over and we all order our drinks and food. It takes a while for the food to come out but that is expected so we all just have our drinks and wait.

   I notice how quiet Rasmus has got and I go to hold his hand, he lets me but he doesn't hold mine back. ¨You okay?¨ I whisper, no answer. Is it because of the dress? He would not get this mad at me over a dress. Is it because I hugged Henri? Asked for his jacket? Is Rasmus jealous of Henri? ¨Do you wanna switch seats?¨ I whisper. ¨Why would I?¨ He asks. ¨I figured you would want me sitting next to Rachel instead of Henri.¨ I say. ¨Sit wherever you want Y/n. I could care less.¨ He almost yells and stands up, walking away.

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