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   Rasmus is at a practice tonight and I am sitting at home alone again. Rasmus and I just moved into a new house so we've been super busy and overwhelmed. I usually let myself go when he's out of the house so I don't worry him. He just gets so protective and he's so caring so I don't need him to worry about me. I'm sitting in our bedroom surrounded by boxes that I'm trying to unpack.

   As I sit there I let my mind wander and start to overthink. Due to this I start to get teary eyed and decide to cry for a few minutes. I let go and just sit on the cold hardwood floor crying for what seems like hours. I lose track of time and hear the door open downstairs meaning Rasmus is home. I quickly wipe my eyes and resume the unpacking that I had been doing. "Angel I'm home." He calls. "I'm in the bedroom." I say, my voice cracks.

   I clear my throat and cough a little to bring my voice back to normal. He opens the door and walks in the room, smiling at the sight of me. "Hi baby, how was practice?" I ask, standing up. "It was alright." He answers. I hug him and sniffle a bit trying to hold back my tears. "What's the matter honey?" He asks. I shake my head no. "No there's nothing wrong or no you don't want to talk about it?" He continues.

   I feel bad for even letting him catch me which makes me tear up again. "I'm sorry Ras, I'm just overwhelmed." I say, my voice cracking once again. "Don't apologize for this angel." He comforts. I nod into him and feel his hands go to my thighs and pick me up off my feet. I rest my head on his shoulder as he walks over to the bed. Rasmus sets me down on the bed and gets down on his knees in front of me.

   "Angel look at me." He says softly, his accent coming through a lot. "What's making you overwhelmed? Why didn't you call me Y/n? You know I'll drop anything for you." He says, resting his hands on my knees. "I know but you just do so much for me that I feel stupid for calling you over something as tiny as this." I say, tears in my eyes. "I know it may seem stupid for you but to me it's not and nothing that you think will ever be stupid." He says.

   I begin to cry again and he stands up, guiding my head to his stomach with his hand. He plays with my hair and hugs me while I sit on the bed, crying into his shirt. "I'm sorry Ras." I apologize again. "No, I'm sorry." He also apologizes. "For what Ras? You didn't do anything. I'm just drained and overwhelmed by unpacking and moving and being home alone somewhere new." I say. "That's why I'm sorry. I can't be there for you all the time when you need me." He says, lifting my head up so we can make eye contact.

   "Rasmus, no." I whisper. "I am Y/n." He says. "Rasmus hockey means so much to you and you've worked to be where you are now. You've moved here from Sweden to play and live your dream. This is why I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want you to feel guilty or like it's your fault." I say. Rasmus pulls away and kneels back down in front of me. "I care about you. Don't hide this kind of stuff from me. I'm here for you, I'm your boyfriend Y/n." He says.

   I wipe my eyes with my sleeve when he pulls my hand away and holds both of them. "Don't wipe your eyes anymore. They're red angel." He whispers. I nod and sniffle. "I'll do some unpacking, you just lay down." He says and lays me back with my head up against the headboard. "Ras no, you just had a practice." I protest, getting up. "Y/n, lay down." He says stirnly. I do and watch him go over to the boxes, sit on the floor and start to unpack and put things away.

   My eyes fill with tears again but I blink them away before he can see them. "Rasmus stop, come lay down." I insist. "No, if you do it and stress yourself out over it I will do it." He argues. "Rasmus Dahlin come to bed." I say and he looks up at me with those ocean blue eyes. "Y/n Dahlin I want to do this." He replies. "We're not married." I say. "You're still my wife. You will always be my wife. It's just not official yet." He says going back to the boxes.

   I blush and cover my face with my hands. "Mrs Dahlin." He mumbles but loud enough for me to hear. "Stop." I laugh. "There's my happy girl." He smiles, giving me butterflies immediately. "Please come to bed." I plead. "Give me a few good reasons." He jokes. "Let's see, you can relax after a long practice, you can go to sleep, and you can cuddle your girlfriend." I joke back in return.

   "You're persuading me pretty well." He laughs. "What else?" He continues. "Ras." I whine. "Okay, okay." He laughs. Rasmus gets up and lays down next to me in bed. "Better?" He asks. "No, I said cuddle not lay next to and not touch." I say sarcastically. He wraps his arms around me and I put my head on his chest. "Much better." I sigh. "I love you." He says. "I love you more." I respond. "That's not possible." He whispers and pecks my lips.

   "Tired pretty girl?" He asks, seeing my yawn. I nod and start to play with his hair. "You're gonna put me to sleep if you keep that up." He laughs breathily. "Good." I say quietly, feeling at peace. I roll over and turn off the light on my nightstand as he does the same before we return to where we were before. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Much better, thank you Ras." I say and he kisses my head. I play with his hair as he rubs my back and begin to fall asleep. "I love you Rasmus." I say before I fall asleep.

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