Best Friends

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   My best friend is coming over for the day and then we're going to my parents house for dinner. Rasmus and I had meet when he first came to Buffalo and have been inseparable ever since. There is something between us, we both know it. We're just too scared to say anything. I feel the bed dip neck to me and sit up, covering my face from fear. I feel a hand begin to rub my back and I open my eyes to see Rasmus. "Give me a warning before you get in bed with me!" I say, hitting his arm.

   "I tried." He responds. "Tried? How do you try to give a warning?" I ask, laying back down with his arm now around my waist. "I texted you and called you at least 20 times. You didn't pick up or text back." He explains. I smile and cuddle into his chest. "I'm going back to sleep." I say. "What time are we going to your parents?" He asks. "Around four." I respond. "How long do you want me to let you sleep for? It's ten now." He asks. "One thirty ish." I respond and wrap my arm around his waist.

   He kisses the top of my head and I feel myself fall asleep. Rasmus runs his fingers up and down my arm, waking me up. "Time to wake up sleepy head." He says gently. I nod and wipe my eyes. "I don't wanna get out of bed yet." I say. "We can stay in bed for a while but you have to start getting ready by two at the latest." He responds and I nod. "I had a dream." I say. "What was it about?" He asks. "I was pregnant." I say. "With whose baby?"
He asks.

   I bury my head in his shirt, hiding my blush. "Whose baby?" He laughs. "Yours." I laugh. "I got you pregnant in your dream?" He asks. I just nod, keeping my face hidden. "If we were to have kids together. What do you think they'd look like?" Rasmus asks. "What?" I ask, looking up at him. "Hypothetically, if you got pregnant with my baby, what would it look like?" He repeats himself. "Well definitely blonde, and probably your eyes because blue eyes are more common than green. I'd like to think my nose and face shape, I want something." I respond.

   "Have you thought this through before?" He asks. "Nope." I respond. "Lets make a deal." Rasmus says. "If it's a deal to get me pregnant, than no." I laugh. "No, no. If we're both still single by, I don't know, like 30, we should marry each other." He says. "You know what? Deal." I respond. "So it's settled. We're getting married." He smiles. "Ras we're not thirty." I laugh. "We're not gonna find someone else, either of us. Just us two for life." Rasmus replies. "Who's to say some big handsome
man won't come into my life and sweep me off my feet?" I ask, sarcastically.

   "Y/n I hate to break it to you but I am the big handsome man." He laughs causing me to as well. "Did you just refer to yourself as big and handsome?" I laugh. "Yep." He responds. "I can't with you." I say. "Get ready baby mama." He laughs. "Rasmus! I am not pregnant!" I say. "Are you sure?" He asks. "You're never letting me live that down." I reply, getting out of bed. "Never. It's cute that you think of me in your sleep." He says. "I'm going to kill you in your sleep." I reply.

   I walk to my closet and open it. I pull out leggings and a hoodie, pulling them both on. I brush through my hair and throw on light makeup. "Time?" I ask. "Three. You stayed in bed for a while." He says. "We'll leave in like, half an hour." I say, sitting down on my bed. "So what are we gonna do for the next half hour?" He asks. "I don't know." I reply. "Wanna make out?" He asks. "Rasmus!" I say, turning to hit his arm. "I'm kidding!" He says laughing. "I need a boyfriend." I sigh, dramatically. "Hello, I'm right here." He waves his hand in front of my face.

   "No. No, you don't want me." I reply, sitting back again my headboard. "How do you know that?" He asks. "You don't." I say. "I did just ask you to make out." He replies. "You don't actually wanna make out with me." I respond. "You wanna bet?" He asks. "How much?" He continues. "Ten bucks." I answer. "Bet." He says. "Rasmus don't play with me." I reply. He moves closer to me and places his arm around my shoulders. "You have to mean it for me to give you ten bucks." I say, cockily. "I know." He whispers.

Rasmus Dahlin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now