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   Rasmus is coming home from a long series of away games today. I was going to pick him up but I literally just got my period. I've been nauseous and cramping so bad all day along with a migrane so Rachel said she'll pick up him as well as Tage. I'm laying in bed like I have been all day. I pick up my phone and see it's ten at night. I close my eyes and lay down, not bothering with my appearance.

   I hear the front door open waking me up, "Baby I'm home!" I hear Rasmus call. "I'm in the bedroom." I respond so faintly I'm not even sure he can hear me. The bedroom door opens and he is greeted with a tired and in pain girlfriend. "Baby what's the matter?" He asks, dropping his things and coming over to me. "I just got my period, cramps, nausea, a migraine, tired, and I couldn't pick you up so I feel bad." I answer.

   "My poor girl, can I get you anything? Have you eaten dinner?" He asks, placing a hand on my head. "No, I'm not really hungry." I reply. "Are you sure? I can run to the store and get you chocolates or ice cream." He offers, I just shake my head. "Can you just cuddle me?" I ask, he smiles. "Of course." He answers. Rasmus gets into bed next to me and I cuddle into him. "Hang on, let me see your stomach." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Let me rub it to see if it'll help with your cramps." He responds. I nod and roll over so he has access to my stomach.

   Rasmus places a hand on my stomach and begins to rub small, gentle circles over my shirt. I sigh and close my eyes in content. "I missed you angel." He whispers. "I missed you bubba." I reply. "Is this helping?" He asks. "Put more pressure." I reply. "More? I don't want to hurt you baby." He says, worried. "You won't." I reply. "I might." He responds. "If you do I'll tell you Ras, please." I say. "Alright but you have to tell me." He says and I nod.

   Rasmus gently puts more pressure on my abdomen and looks at me to see if it's too much. "That's good." I smile. "It's not to much?" He asks, I just shake my head. "How'd you sleep last night?" He asks. "I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since you left. You know I don't sleep well when you're not here." I answer. "You can call me, you know. I'd stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep." He says. "I know." I reply. He just chuckles. "You talk to much sometimes." I laugh. "I'll go away again." He jokes, getting up. "No! No, I was kidding. Do it again, rub my stomach and talk, you'll put me to sleep." I say.

   "Am I boring?" He laughs. "No, but it takes my mind off the pain and then I can sleep." I reply. "What do you want me to talk about?" He asks. "Anything." I murmer. "I'll talk about," he pauses, "everything I love about my girl." He finishes, I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Ras," I whine. "Shhh, ready? There's a lot." He whispers. "I like when you call me that by the way." I say. "What? My girl?" He asks and I nod. "You're adorable." He smiles and pecks my forehead.

   I pucker out my lips and he places a gentle, loving kiss on them. "I'm sorry you came home to this." I laugh. "Don't apologize, all the more cuddles I get from you." He says. I hum in response. "Go to sleep angel." He whispers. I nod and rest my head on his chest. "There you go, are you comfortable?" He asks and I nod. "Get a good nights sleep tonight baby. I'm right here." He whispers before kissing my head. I close my eyes and place a kiss on his neck before letting the exhaustion take over me.

Rasmus Dahlin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now