Day off

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Today is one of the only nights Rasmus and I both have off. He's home for the night and doesn't have a practice at all today and I'm not working for once. I wake up to the sun shining in my face and roll over, to face Rasmus, but to also get the sun off my face. His arm around my waist rubs my side and I put my arm over his chest, cuddling into him. I close my eyes once again, not even looking up to see if he is awake, and sigh in content. It is so rare for this to happen.

His hand repeatedly rubs soothing strokes up and down my side, giving me chills. I smile and kiss his neck lightly. "Are you awake awake?" He asks, knowing how much I am not a morning person. "Mhm." I hum. He kisses my head and sighs. "What time is it?" I ask, looking up at him. "Noon, did you sleep well?" He asks. "So good." I answer and close my eyes once again, letting the moment sink in. "Do you want breakfast? Lunch?" He asks. "I want to stay like this." I respond with a smile.

"Angel we have to eat." He laughs. I nod but make no effort to move. He sits up causing me to as well and pulls the blankets off himself, keeping them on me. "I'll make breakfast, you stay here." He says, I nod. I lay back down and close my eyes once again, not falling asleep just laying there. After a while I hear footsteps coming back into the room. "I made waffles." He says and I sit up. He sets the plates down and gets back in bed next to me.

Rasmus grabs the remote and turns on a movie for us to watch while we eat. After we're finished we decide to get up. I wash the dishes and he watches me from the living room. "Do you wanna shower?" I ask. "With you?" He responds, I nod. We both head to the bathroom and get in the shower. Nothing happens, we just get washed and he helps wash my hair. Once we get out and get dressed we decide to go run some errands while we have nothing else to do.

I grab my purse and we head to the car. He drives with one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh. We listen to music and stop at a few stores to get what we need. Once we get home it's about 3 in the afternoon and decide to set up our Christmas things. We set up the tree with Christmas music playing and us just enjoying each other's presence. After we finish setting everything up at about 6 we put on our pajamas and head back to the bedroom.

"Do you wanna order food for dinner?" I ask and he nods. We decide on Chinese food and place the order. While we wait we start to watch another movie and cuddle. His arms are around my waist and mine are laying against his chest. There's a knock on the door and I get up to get the food. I know he's following behind me because one I can hear him, and two he wants to make sure I'm safe. I open the door and the guy with the food looks me up and down. He hands me the food but doesn't walk away.

I clear my throat uncomfortably and Rasmus walks up behind me, putting his arm around my waist. "Thank you." He says and the man nods and walks away. Rasmus closes the door and I let out a breath. "Guys." I say. "Guys." He responds. Rasmus guides me back to the bedroom and we start to eat our dinner in bed, watching the movie again.

Once we finish eating Rasmus throws out our garbage and lays back down. We cuddle up once again and watch the movie. "I wish we could do this more often." I say. "Me too angel." He agrees. "I love you Ras." I say, looking up at him. "I love you too Y/n." He responds. I take my phone and take a picture of us, saving it to my phone and set it on the charger. We sit in silence until the movie is over then he turns off the TV. "I can't believe it's 11 already." He says. "I know, this day went by way to quick." I say.

Rasmus puts a finger under my chin and lifts it up to meet his lips. The kiss is sweet and short but it means something. "Rasmus?" I ask. He nods, pulling away and looking in my eyes. "Do you see yourself getting married to me?" I ask. "Of course. I can't see me getting married to anyone else. If I could propose to you today, I would and I wouldn't regret it." He says. I smile and pull him back in for a kiss. "If you're gonna make confessions like that we really need to do this more." I laugh.

We both turn off the lights on our nightstands and lay down. Rasmus places a hand on my hip and once my eyes adjust I can see him looking at me. "What?" I ask. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He whispers. "Ras hockey is the best thing that's ever happened to you." I say. "I can live without hockey. I can't live without you angel." He says. I smile and kiss his cheek. "I wouldn't want it any other way." He says.

I place my hand on his chest and cuddle into him. I place my head in the crook of his neck and he runs his fingers up and down my back. "I love you Rasmus." I say. "I love you Y/n" He responds. "I want to marry you one day." I whisper. "I promise you, you will." He responds smiling. He pulls me closer to him and I feel my eyes getting heavier. "Goodnight baby." He says. "Goodnight bubs." I respond.

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