Coming Home

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   Rasmus is coming home today from a long series of away games along the west coast. I've missed him so much and have been waiting for two weeks to see him again. It's noon now and he doesn't get home for another 5 hours so I decide to clean up the house to pass the time. After I've tidied everything up I decide to sit on the couch and watch a movie even though I won't finish it because I'll be leaving soon to pick him up from the airport.

   After about thirty minutes I decide to leave so I can beat traffic and get there in time. I turn off the TV and the lights in the house, grab my keys and wallet and leave. I get in my car and turn up the heat because it's November and freezing. I turn on my music and start to drive to the airport. It takes about half an hour to get there before I wait for him to come out. I can't go in because there's too many people for me to handle.

   As I sit there I start to see team members coming out with their girlfriends or family. I see Rasmus and get out of the car, exicted to see him again. He sees me and immediately hugs me when he gets over to me. "I missed you." He says into my shoulder. "I missed you too Ras." I respond. After a minute or so we let go and he puts his stuff in the back. He insists on driving so I let him. As he drives he has one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh.

   I watch him as his drives and talks about his trip. He pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant. "Ras what are you doing?" I ask. "Taking you out to dinner." He smiles. I laugh and grab my things before we go into the restaurant. We get seated and the service is amazing, our food and drinks come out super quick. "How was the trip?" I ask. "It was alright, we lost more than I would've liked to but it was okay." He says. "I watched the games and you guys played well. You just had a few bad bounces." I say.

   He agrees and we sit and eat our dinner. After we finish he insists on paying so I let him. We get back in the car and his hand goes back to my thigh. Once we pull into the driveway I grab my things and help him get his things into the house. I help him get everything where it needs to be and make sure the door is locked before heading into the bedroom. He's already in bed waiting for me. "Tired?" I ask and he shakes his head no and points to the TV. "I wanna watch a movie with you." He says.

   I smile and nod, "I'd like that a lot." I respond. I grab pajamas and go into the bathroom to change. I brush my teeth while I'm in there and then go back into the bedroom. I climb into bed and Rasmus pulls me into his arms. "I missed this." He murmurs. "Ras you haven't even started the movie." I laugh causing him to as well. He grabs the remote and starts the movie.

   He sets the remote back down on his nightstand and cuddles into my neck. Rasmus places light kisses along my neck causing me to giggle because it tickles but feels good at the same tome. "Ras stop." I say, making no attempts to get him off of me. "It doesn't feel like you want me to stop." He mumbles into my neck. "Ras relax, stop for a minute." I say, still enjoying his actions. "Do you really want me to stop angel?" He asks, picking his head up.

   I blush and shake my head no. "Shy?" He asks teasingly. I hide my face behind my hands. Rasmus's hands take mine and moves them away from my face. "It's alright angel, no need to hide from me." He says. Rasmus then goes in for a kiss which I gladly let him. His hands let go of mine and hold onto my waist while mine go to his hair. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip and I allow him in.

   Rasmus once again goes down to my neck but this time with more confidence. After a few minutes he pulls away and gives me a smile. "Better?" I ask with a smile. He nods, "I needed that." I peck his lips once more. "Did you leave marks?" I laugh. "Maybe a few." He laughs back. "I'm sorry." He apologizes. "Don't be sorry Ras, I like them." I say. "Like them? I'll do it more then." He responds.

   "We haven't even been watching the movie." I say, looking at the TV. "I'd rather be watching you anyway." He says, flirting. "Ras, hunny, you don't need to flirt. You have me already". I laugh. "Hey watch it little girl." He jokes. We both laugh for a while before cuddling up together once again. "I really missed you Ras." I voice up after a while of watching the movie. "I missed you too my love." He responds, kissing my head.

   We lay in bed, silent, watching the movie and just cuddling, enjoying each other's presence for a while. Once the movie ends I look over and see Rasmus sleeping peacefully. I reach over him to try grab the remote but I can't reach. I sigh and straddle him, trying not to sit on him and wake him up. I get the remote and turn the TV off successfully. As I go to put the remote back I feel his hands go to my waist.

   "What are you doing?" He asks. "I was turning the TV off. You were sleeping and I couldn't reach the remote." I explain. "And your first thought was to straddle me?" He asks with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah." I say embarrassed. "You could've walked around angel." He suggests. "Maybe I wanted to straddle you." I respond. "Oh did you?" He jokes. "As a matter of fact, I did." I say. "Then come here and kiss me." He says.

   "Flirt." I say before leaning down to kiss him. It's slow and sloppy but that doesn't make it any less meaningful. "I love you." He mumbles onto my lips. "I love you Ras." I reply. I lay down on top of him, my arms around his neck and his around my waist and onto my back. "Am I too heavy?" I ask into his neck. "Of course not." He says. "You can sleep like this my love." He continues.

   "Are you sure?" I ask. He takes the blankets and pulls them up over me and himself. "Positive." He answers. I sigh of content and kiss his neck once lightly. "This is where I've wanted to be for the past few weeks." He whispers. "This is where I wanted you to be." I agree. He rubs up and down my back and I play with his hair until we both eventually put each other to sleep.

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