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   I live with my best friend Rasmus and I have for a few years now. He and I have known each other since he came to Buffalo in 2018. I had shown him around because I work for the Sabres and he was their draft pick. I am supposed to go out with my boyfriend, Will, tonight. He is going to take me to a nice dinner. Just as I am getting ready my phone rings. "Hello?" I ask. "I don't feel well, I can not take you tonight." Will says. "Oh, okay. Do you need me to bring you anything? We can watch movies at your place or something." I say.

   "No." He says loudly. "Is that music in the back?" I ask. "No, no. I am at home." He says and then coughs, a clearly fake cough. "Will are you at a party?" I ask. "Not now baby." I hear him whisper. I sigh, knowing he lied. Who else is he calling baby? "Will, be honest. Are you at a party? Who else are you calling baby because I know you were not talking to me." I say, anger building in my voice. "Y/n, I can not do this anymore." He says. "Us?" I ask, tears brimming.

   "Y/n you said to be honest so I am. I am breaking up with you." He says. "Over the phone? When we were supposed to go out on a date tonight? You lied and said you were sick. You called another girl baby while you are on the phone with me. You think you are slick huh? Who is the girl?" I spill, tear now coming down my cheeks. "Don't worry about it." He says. "Tell me then we can be done since you want to be." I say.

   "Ayla." He whispers. "Who? Ayla who?" I ask. "Smith." He says even quieter. "My best friend?" I ask in disbelief. "For how long?" I ask. I hear the phone get moved and then her speak. "Since you started talking to Ryan. You tried to get with my man so I took yours." She laughs."Ryan started talking to me when you were still with Ethan." I say, hurt. I hang up and throw my phone on the floor.

   I sit and stare at my wall, my brain trying to wrap around what just happened. I hear a knock on my door. I wipe my eyes and stand up, going to open the door. Rasmus is standing on the other side. "Are you okay? I heard something fall." He says. "Oh I am great! My boyfriend has been cheating on me with my best friend for months and just broke up with me over the phone! We were supposed to go on a date too. He lied and said he was sick. Why wouldn't I be okay?" I say. He does not say anything else, he just pulls me into a hug.

   ¨Finish getting ready.¨ He says. ¨Why?¨ I ask. ¨I am taking you to dinner.¨ He says and walks into his own room. I smile softly but I really am not in a mood to go anywhere. I knock on his door and he tells me to come in. I open the door and see him without a shirt on, going through his dress shirts. ¨Ras I appreciate the gesture but I really am not in any mood to go out.¨ I say. ¨Y/n you can't just sit in your room. I know you, you will get in your own head and tell yourself negative things.¨ He says, turning to me.

   ¨Go get dressed. We are going out.¨ He smiles. ¨Okay.¨ I say and walk out, closing the door on my way out. I put on a nice black, skin tight dress. The one I was going to wear tonight with Will. I open my door slightly and sit on my bed. ¨Can I come in?¨ Rasmus asks. ¨Yeah.¨ I say. ¨Look, I know you are not in any mood to go out but I promise you, it will get this out of your mind for a while. I will make sure you have a good time and if at any point you want to leave and come home, we will leave.¨ He says, sitting down next to me. ¨Okay?¨ He asks and I nod.

   ¨Can you hand me those heels?¨ I ask, pointing to my red heels. He nods and grabs them for me. I put them on and he watches me the whole time. I wipe some tears every now and then. I stand up and grab my purse and phone before holding out my hand. ¨Lets go.¨ I say. He smiles and takes my hand standing up. ¨I am gonna drive.¨ He says and we walk out of the house, locking the door. He opens the door for me and once I am in, shuts it. Gets in, starts the car and starts to drive, looking over at me every chance he gets.

   ¨I just have to run into the store quick.¨ He says, pulling into a parking lot. I nod and go to unbuckle. ¨I will be right back out. Stay here and lock the doors when I get out.¨ He says and I nod. Once he gets out I lock the door and look around, having no interest in my phone. After a moment he comes back out with roses, choclates, and a teddy bear. I unlock the door and he gets back in the car. ¨These are for you.¨ He says. ¨You're kidding.¨ I say, not being able to hide my smile.

   ¨Well they aren't for the back seats.¨ He laughs. ¨Ras.¨ I trail off, tearing up. ¨Can I take a picture?¨ I ask. He nods and I take a picture of him holding everything. ¨Dinner and goodies?¨ I ask and he nods. ¨I can't just let you sit there and not know how a man should treat you." He says, starting the car. ¨You are gonna make me cry again.¨ I say. Rasmus places a hand on my knee and  rubs his thumb over it.

   We reach the restaruant and he makes sure that he opens the car door for me. Once we reach the front door he opens that for me too. We get seated and order our food, already knwing what we want. It comes out pretty quick and we waste no time in eating. We finish pretty quick and it was so good, but I still have not forgotten what has happened today. ¨I want a picture of us Ras.¨ I ysay. He nods and when the waiter comes back over with the check Rasmus asks, knowing I do not like having to talk to people I do not know.

   The waiter says yes and Ras and I stand up. He takes my waist and pulls me closer to him gently. The waiter takes a few pictures and then Rasmus hands him his card. Ras and I sit back down and he rubs his thumb over the top of my hand. ¨You did not have to pay Ras.¨ I say. ¨Someone who cares about you would.¨ He says. ¨He did not deserve you angel.¨ Rasmus says after taking his card back from the waiter.

   Rasmus and I leave the restarunt and head back home. Once we get home we go inside and change into our pajamas. I knock on his bedroom door and he opens it wearing only sweats. ¨Sleepover?¨ I ask and he nods. I walk in and get into his bed. ¨How are you feeling angel?¨ He asks. ¨Like shit.¨ I say honestly. He gets in bed next to me after turning off the lights and closing his door. "I know angel, I know. You deserve better." He comforts. I start to cry and he just holds me to his chest.

   He rubs my back and kisses my head over and over. "I'll take care of you." He says. I lift my head up and we just look into each others eyes for a while. Rasmus wipes my eyes gently and kisses my forehead. "I'm here for you Y/n." He comforts. "Why are guys such assholes?" I ask. "You just haven't found the right one yet." He says. Then it hits me, Rasmus is the one. I had the biggest crush on him since I first laid my eyes on him. He treats me how I should be treated.

   I take my phone and open instagram. "Can I post these?" I ask, sniffling. "Of course." He answers. I select the picture of Rasmus and I along with the one of him holding the stuff he got for me. I caption it 'Ras has got me'. I post it and set my phone back down. "Thank you for tonight." I say. "Of course angel. Anything for you. Do you need anything?" He asks. I shake my head no, then yes. "Cuddles." I say. He pulls me closer, so close I can hear his heart beating.

   "I'll deal with him in the morning. He will apologize to you angel, I promise." Rasmus says. "Thank you. I love you Ras." I say and kiss his neck gently. "I love you too Y/n." He says. "You know, since I'm already vulnerable. I had the biggest crush on you for the longest time." I say. He looks down at me with a smirk on his face. "I know it's stupid, don't make fun of me." I say. "I've liked you for the past five years Y/n. Ever since I saw you." He admits.

   "Really?" I ask in shock. He nods. "Once you're healed a bit I would like to take you out on a formal date. For real, not just to make you forget about some other guy." He says and I nod. "I would like that a lot Ras." I smile. "Get some sleep tired girl." Ras says, playing with my hair once again. I nod and close my eyes, letting my guard down, knowing I'll always be safe with Rasmus.

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