Creepy Guy

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   I'm walking around downtown going to a few stores to get some stuff for Christmas. I need a few more presents to give to my friends. Christmas is still in a few weeks but I like to get all my gifts ahead of time. My one friend is just as big of a Sabres fan as I am so I decide to head over to the Sabres store in the arena to get her something.

   I notice a guy walking pretty close behind me but I can't assume anything. I decide to cross the street even though I don't need to so I can create some space. He crosses the street too. I cross back over and so does he. This is a bit odd now and I'm starting to freak out a bit. I make it to the arena and go into the store. He walks in after I do. I take a few deep breaths knowing I'm not alone anymore and start to look through some stuff I think she might like.

   I try to stay towards the front of the store so I am in the view of other people. As I am looking through jerseys I notice him come up next to me. "Sabres fan?" He asks. "Yep." I say and continue looking, not paying anymore attention to him. "You're pretty." He says, running his hand over my shoulder. I nod and continue looking. "Don't you speak?" He smirks. "Sir I'm not interested. Please walk away." I say but he only moves closer.

   I pick out a Dylan Cozens jersey since it's her favorite player and head to the register. I'm one of the only people in the store so I don't wait in line too long. I cash out and grab my bag only to see the man waiting for me. I attempt to walk past him but he grabs my wrist. "Don't touch me." I say, standing up straight. "Come on pretty, it's just a touch. I won't do you no harm." He says and puts my hair behind my ear.

   I punch him in the gut with my free hand and send him doubling over. "Can I help you?" Another man's voice asks. "No I'm okay. I just need to get away from him." I say, beginning to walk away. "Follow me." He says and walks in front of me. It's a tall man, blonde hair, wearing a hat, shorts, and a blue hoodie. I see the man I punched stand back up and look for me, his eyes landing on me after a few seconds.

   I reach for the blonde man's hand and take it causing him to look at me. I freeze at the sight of him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you. I should go." I say, letting go. "Come on, I'm getting you away from him. I won't hurt you." Rasmus says. "I shouldn't be a burden." I say. Rasmus takes my hand once again and brings me closer to the back. The man is following behind us.

   "He's coming." I say. Rasmus puts me in front of him to put more space between the man and me. "He can't get back to the locker rooms." Rasmus says. "The guys are in there but it's no big deal. You're not a burden." Rasmus says, calming my worries. "No, I couldn't do that." I say. He shush's me, turns towards the guy and we walk out of sight. "He'll probably be waiting for me when I leave." I say. "Stay as long as you need." Rasmus replies.

   "I don't know how long I'll need. I ubered downtown so that'll take a while to get back home and I don't know how long that guy is willing to stay there and wait for me." I explain. "Look, I'll drive you home. I won't hurt you, I won't look at your address, I won't stalk you. But I will make sure you get home safe and without any man following you." He comforts. "Thank you." I respond. "Wait here until I make sure none of the guys are doing anything bad for you to see." He says and opens the door, slipping inside.

   I lean my back against the wall and wait for a minute until it opens again, scaring me. "I'm sorry. Come on in." He says and holds the door open for me. I walk in and see every single Sabres player looking at me. "Hi." I squeak. "What's your name?" Jeff Skinner asks, walking over to me. "Y/n." I respond. Rather than shaking my hand he pulls me into a hug. I gladly hug back. "I heard you throw a mean punch." Dylan Cozens says. "It did the job for a bit I guess." I say.

   "Ras did you punch him too?" Tage Thompson asks. "Wasn't focused on him." Rasmus responds, going to sit down in his cubby. "What were you focused on ay?" Alex Tuch teases. "Getting her away from that creep." Rasmus responds, looking down and playing with his fingers. I sit down on the floor and play with the bag in front of me. "What'd you buy?" Henri Jokiharu asks. "A Cozens jersey for my friend. It's her Christmas gift." I answer. He nods his head.

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