Ice Skating

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  The Sabres are doing a free ice skate at the arena. This is super rare because anyone who buys a ticket can skate with the Sabres. This hasn't happened in ever. Of course, my family got tickets. My mom and dad are not skating because they have bad knees but my brother and I are. Y/B/N plays hockey so he obviously knows how to skate. Me on the other hand, who has not skated in years.
   I have an old pair of my brother skates to wear since he is much bigger than me even though he is younger. My parents are in the seats because if you are just watching that is where you have to be. "Help me tie my skates." I say to my brother. "No." He says and skates onto the ice. I sigh and attempt to tie the skates. The players come out of the walkway and skate onto the ice. I completley fangirl at the sight of them, Dahlin mostly.

   I really attempt to tie my skates now but still can not get it. I sigh again and sit up to see Rasmus Dahlin leading over the boards looking at me. "Do you need help?" He asks. "I, um, yeah please." I say, flustered. He climbs over the boards and kneels down in front of me, taking my feet and resting them on his lap. He ties them with ease and then stands up. I just sit there and watch him as he stares at me.

   "Did I tie your skates for you to just sit there?" He asks, smiling. I laugh and stand up, balancing myself. He steps onto the ice and turns so he is facing me. "Come on, I've got you." He says and extends his hands to me. "What is your name?" He asks. "Y/n." I answer. "Come on Y/n, I won't let you fall. I promise." I nod and take his hands. I slowly step down onto the ice and start to fall over right away. Rasmus grabs my hips to stabilize me and I grab onto his arms.

   "This is awkaward." I whisper. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He says, pulling away. "No not you, I mean just that I can't skate and you have to help me." I say, blushing. "That is what I am here for Y/n." He smiles. I know he did not mean it in a flirty way but it kinda feels that way. I blush and nod, letting him help me. He spins around so he is skating backwards, holding my hands and guiding me.

   I look down at my feet on the ice and watch them go further and further apart. "Don't let them go out, pull them back in." He says and I pull them back in together, which is a lot harder than it should be. "Look up at me Y/n, show me those eyes." He says causing me to blush once again, which I do anyway. "That's it, good girl." He smiles. "You're making the poor thing nervous Ras." Alex Tuch says, skating over. "I am teaching her to skate." Rasmus defends.

   "By calling her a good girl." Tuch says, looking at me before back at Rasmus. I laugh causing them to both look at me. Alex Tuch's girlfriend comes over and looks at me, then at Rasmus. "Did you bring a date Rasmus?" She asks causing Rasmus and I to both look at each other then back at her. "No, she bought tickets to be here." He says flustured. "Why did you not just bring her? You did not have to make her buy tickets." She laughs.

   "She's not with him. He is teaching her to skate." Alex says with a smirk. "So you aren't together, together? You should get to know each other, she is adorable Ras." She says. Him and I are both speachless. Tage is the next to come over. "There you go Ras." Tage pats Rasmus on the back. "She isn't here for me." Rasmus tells him. "How do you know I'm not?" I question causing them both to look at me. Tage smirks as Rasmus's face goes red. "Yeah how do you know she's not Rasmus?" Tage says, coming next to me and crossing his arms over his chest.

I lose my balance since I had let go of the boards and Rasmus immediately grabs my waist and pulls me into him. "Getting handsy I see there Ras." Jeff Skinner says from behind Tage. "This is just embarrassing now." I say and turn so my face is in Rasmus's sweater. He rubs my back and I smile a little too big, but no one can see so it is okay. I hope my parents aren't looking.

   I lift my head up and look around but do not see my parents anywhere so I'm good. They probably went to get food. "What are you looking for? An escape plan?" Jeff teases. "No, my parents. I am making sure they aren't doing anything weird and taking pictures." I laugh. I pull away from Rasmus and sit down on the ice. "What are you doing?" He says, everyone around me is looking at me. "My legs are tired." I respond, causing them to laugh. "I have not even taught you to skate yet." Rasmus says. "Well I am not gonna learn from just standing there." I respond.

   "She got you there buddy." Tage says. Rasmus nods and signals for me to get up. "I can't stand how do you expect me to get up?" I ask. "She got you again." Jeff chimes in. I smile and he holds out his hands for me. I take them and attempt to stand up but end up just pulling him down on the ice with me. "I am convinced we are in a movie." Tuch jokes. "I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask, not only embarrassed but worried too. "I am fine. Are you okay?" He asks sitting up, putting his hand behind my head and lifting my head off the ice. "You hit your head." He says. "I am fine." I say, the headache setting in.

   He stands up and lifts me up off the ice. "Damn okay." I say as he sets me down. "You three can go away now, I need to teach her." The three of them skate away and Rasmus takes my hands once again. My brother skates over and snows us. "That's my brother." I explain to Rasmus who nods. "Mom wants a picture." He says. "Of who?" I ask. "Me, you, and Dahlin." He says. I nod and Rasmus helps me skate over to our parents. Rasmus stands in the middle of my brother and I. One of his hands goes over my brothers shoulders and the other goes around my waist.

   We all smile before Rasmus goes back to teaching me to skate. "Joki!" Rasmus calls to Henri who skates over. "Take her over there and let her skate to me." Rasmus says. "No, I can't make it that far." I say, looking at the distance across the ice that Rasmus wants me to skate. "Yes you can." He says. Henri takes my hand and helps me get over to the box side. "I will stay behind you in case you lose balance." He says and I nod.

   I begin to skate the width of the ice and make it to Rasmus all by myself. I skate into his arms, not being able to stop myself and he hugs me. "Thanks." He says to Henri who skates away after nodding. "And you said that you could not do it." He says causing me to shake my head. "I did have a good teacher." I laugh. "Can I have your number?" Rasmus asks quickly. I am in shock but manage to nod my head. Rasmus takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. I put my number in and take a picture of us to put as the picture, sending it to myself as well.

   "I would like to take you out to dinner sometime Y/n." He says blushing. "I would like that." I respond. The ice time is over so we head off the ice, Rasmus unties my skates for me. I put my shoes back on and stand up. We walk down the walkway towards the exit where my parents are standing. He reaches for my hand and pulls me into a hug. "I had fun Y/n. Text me, I can get you in for free next time." He says. I nod and hug him back. It is the biggest bear hug I have ever received in my life.

   We leave each other, me going towards my parents and him going towards the locker room. "Did you have fun?" My mom asks. "Oh my god yes. That was the best thing ever. Thank you for getting those tickets." I say and my brother agrees, but for different reasons I'm sure. We head to the car and get in. On the way home I text Rasmus the whole way and imagine where this could go.

Rasmus Dahlin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now