Exam Week Stress

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   It's my exam week for school and the end of the semester. I still have a few things I need to catch up on work wise along with all the studying that I am continuing to do. I've been closed in the office in Rasmus and I's apartment a lot lately. I'm just so nervous about failing. As I'm starting yet another lab I need to do for chemistry, I hear a knock on the door. I look at the time and see Rasmus got home about an hour ago.

   I stand up and open the door. "Hi baby." He smiles. "Rasmus I'm so sorry. I got so caught up in school. I'll make dinner. What do you want?" I ask, going past him and out to the kitchen. "Did you make dinner?" I ask, smelling and seeing the kitchen table filled with food. "I hope it's alright. I made pasta because I didn't know what to make and I'm still not sure it's gonna taste good." He laughs. "Ras you didn't have too." I say, turing towards him. "I wanted to baby, you've been working so hard lately." He beams.

   I hug him and he gives me the biggest bear hug, burying his face in my hair. "I love you so much." He whispers. "I love you too Ras." I reply into his shoulder. "Are you hungry?" He asks, not pulling away. "Yeah, are you?" I ask, he nods. We pull away and he places his hands on my cheeks, smiling at me. I lean up to kiss him and he leans down. It's a short kiss but it's loving, every moment with him is loving.

  "Lets get some food in you." He smiles. We sit down at the table and take our food. I take the first bite and it's so delicious. Rasmus looks at me expectingly. "It's so delicious, try it." I say. He nods and begins to eat his food, surprised by himself. We talk and eat together, it makes me forget all about my stress with school. Once we're finished I take the dishes into the kitchen and begin to rinse the and out them into the dishwasher while Rasmus puts the leftovers in containers.

   Once he's finished he comes up behind me and slips his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder. "Hi baby." I say. "Hi angel." He replies. "I'm gonna study a bit more before bed if that's alright." I say, turning off the water and drying my hands on a towel. "That's fine, I'm gonna shower anyway and then I'll come get you." He says and kisses my head. We each go opposite ways, him into the bathroom and me into the office once again.

   I pick up where I left off and begin to write down bonds and formulas. I find myself become more stressed and looking at the clock every five seconds. I've been stuck on the same problem for ages. It's stressing me out so bad I begin to cry. I put my head down in my arms and silently cry out of frustration and pure exhaustion. I feel a hand begun to rub my back and sit up, looking to Rasmus. "What's the matter?" He asks. "I can't get this problem right. Everything I'm doing seems wrong." I answer.

   "Can I help?" He asks. "Maybe? I don't even know if you know this stuff but you can try." I say, wiping my eyes and face. He takes the paper in one hand and my hand in the other. "Lets see." He says and tries to figure it out. "Oh wait, I know how to do this." He says. "You do?" I ask and he nods. "It's balancing chemical equations." Rasmus says. "How do you do this though?" I ask. He kneels down next to me and shows me how to do it step by step. Rasmus helps me finish all those problems before taking the pencil out of my hand.

   "I'm proud of you." He smiles at me. "Thank you Ras." I say and go to take out another sheet. "Baby no." He almost whines. "What?" I ask. "It's too late to do more tonight." He rests his head on my lap. "But I'm not really done yet." I say. "Baby it's one in the morning. You must be tired." He says, looking up at me. "I am but," I start but he stands up and takes my hands. "Come here, let's go to bed." He says. "I'm not done yet though." I say, the stress coming back. "Hey, you need some sleep baby. It'll get rid of some of the stress too." Rasmus tries to persuade me.

   "But what if I don't finish it all in time?" I ask, making eye contact. "I'll help you get it all done." He says. Rasmus picks me up off the chair bridal style and carries me out of the room after turning off the lights. "Ras." I whine. "Bedtime." He smiles. He sets me back on my feet once we reach the bedroom. "You get changed and brush your teeth and I'll turn all the lights off and make sure everything is locked up." He says and I nod. I change into pajama pants and a shirt before going into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

   By the time I'm done, Rasmus is leaning against the bathroom doorway. "My beautiful girl." He smiles. "Shut up." I blush. "Cutie." He says and kisses my cheek. Rasmus takes my hand and we go into the bedroom. I get into bed and he turns off the lights before getting in bed next to me. Rasmus cuddles me into him and hold me so gently but securely at the same time. "I love you Rasmus." I say. "I love you more baby." He responds. "I promise you we'll get all your work done together so you don't have to stress about it." He whispers. "Thank you." I smile.

   He gently pulls me into a kiss and plays with the ends of my hair. I rest a hand on his chest and one on his cheek. We both pull away smiling. "You're so beautiful." He whispers, tucking my hair behind my ear. "You're full of compliments tonight." I laugh. "You deserve every single one of them." He replies. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Y/n." Rasmus says. "Baby." I smile and peck his lips. "Get some sleep hunny." He whispers.

   Rasmus begins to run his fingers over my spine while holding me with his other hand. I sigh in content and feel all the worry and stress slip away from me. This is all that matters. I give into the sleepy feelings just as Rasmus kisses my head lightly. "Sleep well my angel." He whispers and with that I drift off into a peaceful, stress free sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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