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a/n~ the beginning of this one actually happened and i let my imagination flow with the rest of it!

   My dad got free tickets for the Sabres game through work. I was supposed to work but I called off sick, I can't miss this game. I decided on the way to school today that I am going to try and get a puck from Rasmus Dahlin, my favorite hockey player. My brother agreed to help me by the time I got off the bus and into school. All my classes felt so long it was unbearable. I just wanted to get home and ready. Finally the day is over and I get onto the bus to get home.

   Once both my brother and I are both home I grab a sheet of paper and markers so I can make my sign. '#26 can I have a pic and a puck?' I write it in blue and yellow. We get ready to leave and start the half hour drive downtown and to the arena. Once we get in and past security we head to our seats. We're in row 12, so close to the ice. My brother and I head down to the glass but it's pretty much filled up already so we stand behind a thin row of people.

   I take a few pictures and then he skates over. He tosses a puck over the glass and to a little boy in front of me. My heart sinks. So close. The little boy turns towards me and hands me his puck. "No it's okay." I smile. Before I know it my brother catches a puck. I see Rasmus pointing to my brother and then to me. I hand the little boy his puck back. I grab mine from the brother as tears prick my eyes. I look and see Rasmus looking at me. He shakes his head at me and wipes his imaginary tears.

   An older man stands behind me and pats the small of my back. "There you go." He says. I nod and move away from him, he's making me uncomfortable. Rasmus is still looking at me when I look back towards the ice. He gives me a thumbs up and I nod. He smiles at me before turning his back. I take a picture and wipe my tears. We head back to my parents and I cry out of joy. We watch the game and even though we lose, i really couldn't be mad.

   As we go to exit the building my parents stop. "What are we doing?" I ask. "Waiting for someone." My mom says. I nod and go on my phone. My cousin Sal comes down with his son and nods us into the back, showing his pass. I just stand there. "Aren't you coming?" He asks smiling. "Yeah just, where are we going? What are we doing?" I ask and my dad smiles. "Going to get that puck of yours autographed." He says. "What?" I ask. "We're seeing the players? Like up close? Without glass?" I ask and everyone nods.

   "I'm gonna cry again." I laugh, the idea itself putting tears in my eyes. We wait in the hall and the players start to come out of the locker room. They greet us and some stop to talk for a bit. Tage Thompson is one to stop, holy crap he's huge. I have to look way up at him. Everyone introduces themselves and then it's my turn. "I'm, uh, Y/n." I say and look down. "Who'd you get the puck from?" He asks, trying to make me less nervous. "Dahlin." I answer.

   "Ah Dahls, he's nice like that. Oh my, you're her." He says. I lift my head up and make eye contact with him. "Her?" I ask. "He wouldn't shut up about you. No one makes Dahl not be able to shut up. Well until you." He says. "Who can I not shut up about?" I hear someone ask. Tage turns and that's when I see him. I couldn't shut up about you either. We lay eyes on each other and both of our faces glow red. "Her name is Y/n." Tage smiles. "I'm Rasmus." He introduces himself. "She knows bud." Tage laughs.

   "We'll just be over there." My family says before walking away. "Oh, here." Sal says, handing me a marker. "Autograph it for her?" He asks and Rasmus nods. I go to give him the puck when our hands touch. We both pull away and drop the puck. "Sorry." We say in unison. "What the hell have you done to him Y/n?" Tage asks. "I haven't done anything." I reply. Tage picks up the puck and hands it back to me. "Try it again." Tage smiles. I can feel my face burning, it's on fire. I hand it to Rasmus, this time when our hands touch we make eye contact and smile.

   "Take it so I can relax." I laugh. "Do I make you nervous?" He asks, a sudden sense of confidence in his voice. I just nod, looking towards my feet. "I need the marker hunny." He says. "Right, sorry." I apologize and give him the marker. He takes it and autographs it for me before handing it back. "There you go." He says. "Could we, would you, you don't have to, but can we take a picture?" I ask, not picking my eyes up off the floor.

   "Of course! Tommer would you mind?" He asks and Tage nods. I hand him my phone while Rasmus comes up next to me. I look up at him and he's tall too, really tall. He puts his hand on the small of my back and I put mine around his waist. "Take a lot so I can find one that I don't look bad in." I say and Tage gives a thumbs up. After a moment Tage turns my phone off and sees my lock screen. It's a picture I took of Rasmus earlier.

   "You really are a Dahlin girl." Tage smiles. My face burns up again. "Well I have to go, Rachel can't get the baby down. It was nice to meet you Y/n. I hope I'll see you again." Tage says and hugs me. "So now that it's just us. Are you okay? I know that guy touched you." Rasmus asks. "I'm fine now, in the moment I was super uncomfortable but I'm okay now." I reply. "I just wanted to check on you." He smiles. "Thank you so much. For everything. You have no idea how much this means to me." I say. "Wait before we go. I have a question." Rasmus says and I nod.

   "Can I have your number? You're just really pretty." He asks and I nod. He hands me his phone and I type in my number. "Great, thank you. Oh and by the way, I'm sorry about Tommer earlier, he wasn't supposed to say anything about you, especially not to your face. I didn't say anything bad about you, I promise." He apologizes. "It's okay. Even if it was bad, I really couldn't be mad at you." I laugh. "Ready Y/n?" My dad asks and I nod. "Thank you Rasmus." I say with a smile.

   I go to walk away but he speaks up. "You give Tommer a hug and not me?" He asks. I turn around and practically run into his arms. He smells nice even after a game. "Thank you." I whisper. "Of course. Make sure to text me when you're home please." He whispers back and I nod. "I will." I say before we pull away. "It was nice meeting you Y/n." Rasmus says. "You too Ras, text me okay?" I say and he nods. "I will hunny." He smiles.

   Once my family reaches our car everything sets in. "That was the best night ever." I say, a huge smile plastered on my face. "I'm so glad."
My mom says. Tonight couldn't have gone any better.

Rasmus Dahlin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now