Brothers Best Friend

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   Tonight my brother, Tage Thompson, is bringing me to a family event that the Sabres hold. It's something they do every year around the holidays for the Sabres family, friends and girlfriends/wives. Tage lets me go every year and I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not exicted. Not only am I gonna get a lot of food but I also get to see Rasmus.

   I know it's wrong but I have had the biggest crush on Rasmus since Tage introduced us a few years ago. Tage would never let me see Rasmus again if he knew, I mean that's his best friend and I'm his little sister, I get it. Rasmus and I are the same age and we have a lot in common, so we get along well. I decide to look cute tonight and put on some ripped jeans, a lacey black crop top, and a white cardigan to go over it.

   I put on my blazers and grab my stuff going out into my apartment living room. Tage and Rachel are picking me up so I don't have to drive anywhere. My phone dings and I see that it's a text from Rachel. 'How exicted are you to see Ras?' I told her about my thing a few months after Tage and her started dating. 'Rach you cant say anything to Tage.' I text back. 'But I can't wait.' I say. 'I haven't said anything, remember that. We're pulling in.' She texts back and I go to my door.

   I lock the door on my way out and get in the backseat. "How are you?" Tage asks, turning towards me. "I'm alright. What's with you? The first thing you said to me was how are you. Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" I say, actually surprised he didn't comment on my outfit or call me a dork first. "Nothing, just asking." He says, turning around with a smirk on his face.

   "Tage what do you have planned?" I ask. "Nothing. We just have to pick someone else up before we go to the arena." He says, looking at Rachel. "Who?" I ask. "Nobody special." Tage says. "Now buckle up dork." He says, turning back to me. "There it is." I laugh and buckle up my seatbelt. He pulls out of my apartments parking lot and starts heading towards an expensive looking apartment complex.

   "Rach call him and let him know we're here." He says. I sit there confused, wondering who it is. "Oh and Y/n, don't get too comfortable back there." He smirks. "What the fuck?" I ask. "Who is it?" I continue. "Hello?" I hear someone say through the car speakers. "We're pulling in, come out." Tage says. "Okay." He says, he has an accent, a heavy one. There's so many people that I can think of that have a heavy accent though.

   Tage pulls into a parking lot and I see him. It's Rasmus. "Tage?" I ask and he turns to me. "Hands to yourselves Y/n." He says. "What?" I ask. "We all know what I'm talking about." He responds. I look at Rachel and she looks at me, just as surprised as I am. Rasmus opens the car door and looks at me, also surprised. "Hi Ras." I say quietly. "Hi Y/n." He says, also quietly. "Hi Ras." Tage says. Rasmus gets in and sits down, buckling up.

   Tage begins to drive downtown, Rasmus and I glancing at each other a lot. The car is so filled with tension it feels thick. Rasmus and I look at each other and begin to laugh. When I laugh I throw myself onto whatever is closest to me, in this case it's Rasmus. I lean onto him as we both laugh. Tage stops at a red light and  turns around to us. "I said hands to yourselves." He says smirking. "What is up with you smirking?" I ask.

   "Nothing." He says, turning around. "Tage Thompson what is with you?" I ask, hitting his arm. "That's for me to know and you to find out." He says. I look from my brother to the guy I'm leaning on. I realize how long I've been leaning on him and go to lift my head up. Rasmus rests his hand on my head and puts it back on his shoulder. "Stay like this." He whispers, looking down at me. I nod and close my eyes, letting the moment sink in.

   The car comes to a stop and turns off. I lift my head up and unbuckle since we're there. I grab my things and the four of us get out of the car. We walk into the arena and go up a level to where everyone is. There's press and a lot of people. I forgot how many people come here and I just now realized I forgot to take my anxiety medicine. I have severe social anxiety especially in crowds. I grab Rasmus's hand out of nerves and he looks down at me. "Sorry my anxiety is bad and there's a lot of people." I say.

   Rasmus squeezes my hand and puts me in front of him, walking close behind me. Tage sees this and gives me a look. "Anxiety." I mouth and he leaves Alex, walking over to me. "Where are your meds?" Tage asks. "At home, I forgot to take them." I say. "Ras take care of her. If it gets to be too much come get me." Tage says and Rasmus nods. "I got her Tage." Rasmus says. "Y/n, here's the locker room key. If you need a break go into the locker room for a minute. Get me if you need me. I can take you home." Tage says, I nod, and he hugs me.

   A lot of people come up and hug me and Ras, saying hi. Eventually I need a break. "I'm going to the locker room. I'll be back." I say. "I'll come with you." Rasmus says. "No, it's okay. If I'm not back in five minutes then you can come." I say and he nods. "Five minutes." He says. I walk down the stairs and head into the back. I reach the locker room and unlock it. I walk in and take a few deep breaths, relived to be alone.

   Before I know it the door opens and Rasmus walks in. "You okay?" He asks, seeing me sitting on the floor. "Yeah I just needed a minute." I say. I stand up and smile. "I'm hungry." I say. He nods and we go to get food. I hand the keys back to Tage. Rasmus sticks around with Tage and I go to get food. I get my plate and go to where Rachel is. "How's it going?" She asks smiling. "It's alright." I respond. "That's a cute shirt where'd you get it?" She asks. "I'm not even sure. I ordered it from somewhere." I say.

   As I'm talking to the girls I feel someone's arms go around my waist. I look up and see Rasmus, he's not looking at me, just holding me. Rachel smirks at me and I raise my eyebrows at her. "What's up Ras?" I ask. "There's a guy over there looking at you." He says, looking down at me. "Who?" I ask. "That's not important." Rasmus says. "It kinda is. Who was it?" I ask. "Sammy's brother." He says. I turn around and try to look for him but Rasmus moves his body so I can't.

   "Ras I wanna see." I say. "No." Rasmus says. "Why is he cute?" I ask. Rasmus doesn't say anything, he just looks at me. "I was joking." I say. "Better be." Rasmus replies. "I'm gonna go get some food. Wanna come girls?" Rachel's says, leaving Rasmus and I alone. "Are you jealous?" I tease. "I don't want other people looking at you." Rasmus says. "Why?" I ask. "I have my reasons." He explains. "Rasmus tell me." I plead. "I like you Y/n." He says. "What?" I ask. "Don't make me repeat myself please." He says shyly.

   "Does my brother know?" I ask. He just nods. "Is that why he was smirking in the car?" I ask. "Yes." I hear Tage say. "You're okay with this?" I ask, turning towards him. "Rasmus is the only person I would want you with." Tage smiles. "Well if you're okay with it." I start, turning back around to face Rasmus. "I'd like to kiss you." He whispers only for me to hear. "Tage walk away." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Tage, walk away. I'm warning you." I say, giving him a side eye. He raised his eyebrow at me and I shrug. "You're own fault then." I say and take Rasmus's head in my hands.

   It's a gentle and short kiss but it's all I could've asked for. "Rasmus that's my sister." Tage says after we pull away. "I warned you so I don't wanna hear it." I say. "That she did." Rachel says. "That's still my little sister." He says. I look over Rasmus to see Mattis's brother looking at me. "What's up?" I ask causing him to get flustered. "What?" Rasmus asks, turning around. "He was looking." I say. "Do you think he saw?" Rasmus asks. "I don't know but he's looking again." I say. Rasmus turns me so my back is not only to Mattis's brother but him as well.

   "It's probably because those jeans make your ass look good." Rachel says. "I know." I smile, knowing I wore them on purpose. She laughs and hugs me. "This is why I love you." She laughs. By now the party is over and we all head out to the car. The four of us get in and I lay my head down on Rasmus's lap. He runs his hands through my hair and it starts to put me to sleep. "I'm dropping you both off at your house." Tage says to Ras. "Okay, she'll probably stay the night though. I'm not gonna make her stay awake once we get there." Ras says.

   "No funny business with my sister and we'll be good." Tage says. After a while the car stops and Rasmus shakes my shoulder lightly. "Come on angel. Let's get you inside." He says and I sit up. "I don't have any clothes." I say. "I have some for you." He says. I grab my things, say goodbye to my brother and Rachel and then get out of the car.

   We get inside and Rasmus shows me to his room. He hands me a shirt and sweats then brings me to the bathroom. "Come back in my room when you're done and we can cuddle." He says with a smile on his face. I nod and close the door. After I change I walk back into Rasmus's room and he's laying down already. I get into bed next to him and he gently wraps his arms around me. I cuddle into his chest and start to feel myself fall asleep again. "Goodnight Ras. Thank you for everything." I say. "Goodnight angel. I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say and feel myself start to fall asleep. Rasmus runs his fingers up and down my back which makes me completely happy in his arms.


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