Chapter 2

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♤ The Big Brother Figure ♤

♤ The Big Brother Figure ♤

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Time skip (2 months)

When I was told I was going to be a big sister, I was delighted, over the moon even. I kept squealing in joy whenever the baby was brought up, I couldn't wait for my little sibling to be born.

I kept imagining all the things we would do, the things I'd teach them and all the fun we have.

Currently, I'm being babysat by one of our top mages, Zenon but I like to call him Nii-san.

We were sitting in the library reading, he sat on one couch, while I sat across from him.

He was the youngest among his siblings but he was the only one I liked. Black hair, pretty sky-blue eyes, and always a bored look featured on his face. He had this nice and calm demeanour but there was an aura that was clouded and muddy. But he was very different and acted so unlike his siblings.

Dante, the oldest, with the same dark hair and green (?) eyes, had this creepy and off-putting aura around him, I've always been cautious whenever I would talk, walk with/ or past him.

Then there's their sister Vanica, middle child, with darker hair and red (?) eyes, she had an even weirder aura like a thousand bugs would be crawling on my skin. I wouldn't have to be talking to her, I'd just sense her aura and it would make me feel sick.

I had brought this up with my parents, asking what would cause this feeling and why their auras were so weird. They were unable to answer, as they themselves had no idea.

Mama, however, had said because I could sense their auras, I could be using some part of my magic; mana censoring.

She explained that I was just more sensitive to everyone's mana/aura than others and with that, I could tell what type of people they were, with it. Even saying as I get older and stronger, I could detect where people are around me without needing to see them.

"Nee, Nii-san, do you think my sibling will like me?"

Raising his head from the book in his hands softly smiles at me. "Hmm, I'm sure they will, little crow".

Little crow, a nickname he had given me, matching my name Fala; Fala meaning 'A Crow'.

"...I hope so, I wanna be a good big sister to them"

"And I'm sure you will, Fala. With how kind and sweet you are, I'm sure they'd love you". He softly smiles and continues to read.

"I hope Nii-san is right, I'd hate for them to hate me" Whining to myself.

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Time skip (7 months)

A/N: (R/g/n)- random girl name.

Mama had been resting in bed a lot recently, as it had recently begun to hurt to move with the size of her stomach. She was due any day now with my new little sibling, I couldn't wait to meet them!

Mama says if a boy were gonna name him Yuno and if a girl (r/g/n). I was so excited, I couldn't wait to see what they'd look like.

Would they have mama's blue eyes like me or would they have papa's yellow/gold eyes? We're they going to cry a lot or be quiet as a lamb?

Lately, Nii-san had been looking after me more, as everyone was busy getting ready to meet my new sibling.

We had been visiting the library on numerous occasions because I had asked him to help me research how to take care of and properly look after babies.

After I had revealed this, he said it wasn't my job and that I shouldn't have to do it, as there were maids, caretakers and my mother to do the task but I didn't care.

I told him that if I wanted to be the best big sister ever researching was the best way to go, to being prepared!

He had a funny look on his face after that, I didn't understand why but I never asked, it wasn't any of my business anyway.

Nii-san had permanently become my caretaker, ever since I didn't need a maid but someone to "protect me", as Papa had said. I was meant to have someone from house Niaflem but papa thought it be best that I had Nii-san instead.

Papa had requested that I should have a properly trained and well-skilled mage but also someone close to my age, so I'd have an easier time relating to someone.

Nii-san is a caring person compared to his siblings, they're so weird in comparison to him, he's so nice and caring towards me like a big brother should be.

The last time we had been together was when the snow had begun to fall again.

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"Nee, come on Nii-san! The snow is falling again and I wanna make snow angels with you!" I whined as I pulled on his sleeve.

"Please do not rush little crow, you could slip and hurt yourself on the frozen ground" scolded Zenon as we walked outside.

"I'll be fine!" I giggled and ran over to the large pile of snow in the courtyard.

I quickly jumped down on the snow and started to move both my arms and legs up and down in the motion of making the said 'snow angels'.

'What am I going to do with this girl?' Zenon tiredly sighed but had a small soft smile on his face.

We had stayed out most of the day playing and being around each other until Nii-san said it was time to go or I'd start to get a cold if we stayed out any longer.

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Fun Facts!

Fala does look up to Zenon as a brother figure.

Fala had done lots of research on how to look after an infant, even with Zenon telling her she didn't have to.

Zenon deeply cares for Fala, she's a better sister than Vanica.

The name Fala is primarily a female name of Native American - Choctaw origin that means "A Crow"

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Thought I'd end it with something cute and sweet but also a little insight into how Ciel's pregnancy is going with Yuno.

I actually had to look up Zenon's age bc I totally forgot 😓😮‍💨, when he shows up in the main timeline it's said he's like in his late 20s to early 30s. Going off this I'd say that Zenon is roughly around 16-17 here in the story.

Ngl guys but I hate the word giggle or giggles, idk y but man I hate it.

Word count: 1,116

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