Chapter 14

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♧ New Friends ♧

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William and Fala were both quick to form a conversation, waiting for both Yami and this 'someone' Julius wanted her to meet, her other supervisor. Julius instructed her to get better acquainted with each person, hoping to bring her out of her shell more.

It wasn't long before they heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," Julius called out.

The first through the door was Yami, looking bored as always, next was a tall teen with hair as dark as Fala's in a small low ponytail and an even lighter shade of blue eyes.

To Fala, he was extremely pretty, a pretty that was natural and innocent. His aura was something she wished to feel always, it was light and so pure, that she knew that he was already a kind person. She already felt comfort just by looking at him.

She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realise they were talking until William had placed his hand on her shoulder, bringing her back.

"Fala, are you alright?" William asked, worried that she was still upset about this morning.

"Eh? Oh, yes, I'm quite alright. Thank you"

Yami wondered if she was gonna say something to Morgen like how she did yesterday to him. Though he could tell she was a little out of it, 'probably because she's in a new environment, with the rumours I heard though, she was pretty isolated so she's probably lacking in the social department *sigh*'

"Go on, introduce yourself" Yami said, nudging the pretty blackette boy.

"Hello, I'm Morgen Faust. It's a pleasure to meet you," he smiled, even his voice was soft and comforting.

"Fala Blackstone and the pleasures mine" Fala smiled back, though it was small it was a step forward in her growth.

Julius could only watch the interaction with interest, he wondered what Fala was feeling from Morgen, maybe she could even guess his magic? If she could, then this would be good practice and it'll help her train her mana sensory further. Maybe with more practice, she could even track opponents from far distances and even predict her opponent's magic and think of countermeasures before an attack.

"Fala" he called, watching her put her attention on him. "Yes, Julius-san?"

"What can you sense from Morgen?" He asked.

"H-huh?" Both Morgen and Fala said simultaneously. The last time she sensed someone's mana she thought Yami was gonna kill her and while Mogen was just confused about what his captain had just asked his junior.

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