Chapter 3

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♤ New Life ♤

 ♤ New Life ♤

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Time skip (2 weeks later )

It was today that mama would give birth to my younger sibling.

I was with Papa and two of his guards, waiting for the great news in his office. He held me in his arms as we waited, both of us shaking from nerves.

"Papa, do you think mama and the baby will be ok?" I asked, clinging to his fur robes with my head resting on his chest.

"I'm sure they both will be alright, my dear. Your mama is a strong woman and your new sibling will be just as strong" Papa says with a smile, rubbing my back in comfort either for myself or him, I didn't know.

"Ok, I trust you papa"

"My king and princess, worrying won't do any good to either of you". The older guard of the two spoke.

"Your right" smiled papa.

We didn't have to wait long after that, as a maid came rushing in, slamming the doors open with excitement.

"The child has arrived!" She exclaims

Papa quickly leaves his office with me still in his arms, holding his robes tight.

As we left, crying could be heard down the hall. We made it quickly to mama's room.

"He's a healthy baby boy" the maid happily stated, laying the baby on the bed next to mama.

"A boy? So a little brother?" I ask looking up at papa.

"Yes Fala, you now have a younger brother."

Papa sets me down on the bed, as he kneels next to mama and the baby.

The baby continues to cry, loudly might I add. 'I didn't know babies could cry so loud, was I like this? Goodness, I hope not.'

Right after my thought, he began to calm down with mama's head pats/rubs(?). Slowly he opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light.

"Thank you, so much for being born, i'm so grateful you've come into my life" mama smiles at the baby. "My beautiful baby son."

"Wow, he's got your eyes, papa! They're so pretty" I exclaim, awed by the baby's eyes.

"Indeed they are, dear" Papa chuckles lightly and pats my head moving my hair from my eyes.

"Ciel... My love, thank you. You worked so hard and were so strong" papa smiled at mama.


"I obtained this magic stone long ago when I made a safe return through the strong magic region." Pulling out a beautiful blue stone necklace with gold details; a cross(?) in the middle, with one four-pointed star in each corner, attached to a gold chain.

"It will protect Yuno" laying the stone on the wrapping of Yuno's blanket.

"That name..."

" 'If it's a boy, we'll name him Yuno'. That's the name you chose, isn't it?" Papa happily replies.

"Hai!" Mama softly smiles in papa's direction.







"Naa, he's so small, are they supposed to be like that? And so squishy" I say, as I poke Yuno's cheek, he giggles in response. 'Aww, so cute!'

"F-Fala, be gentle, please. And yes, they're supposed to be small and 'squishy'" they both chuckle at my question.

《《 ♤ 》》

On the day of Yuno's birth, the heavy clouds of our kingdom had parted, shedding light across the whole kingdom, just like the day of my birth. Yuno's birth was something of another new hope for our kingdom.


"He's born! The prince has been born!" A random citizen shouts.

"Another heir has been born!"

"What a joyous day!"

"Amazing, another child to the Grinberryalls!"

It's said the festival went all day and into the night in memory of the joyous day.

《《 ♤ 》》

Later on, it was known that Yuno was a total crybaby. He's so cute! With those chubby cheeks and pretty gold eyes!

He has the cutest giggle when you can make him laugh.

It's nice having a little brother, he is just so adorable!

I couldn't wait for him to grow up and see what type of person he'll become.

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Fun Facts!

Fala was extremely excited when Yuno turned out to be a boy.

Fala actually loves poking Yuno's cheeks, it makes her happy hearing him giggle.

Fala was very mesmerised by Yuno's golden eyes, it's probably her favourite thing about him

Yuno actually had a very strong grip on Fala when she picked him up for the first time.

《《 ♤ 》》

Bby yuno is cute! But ngl his neck doesn't look like it can support his head

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Bby yuno is cute! But ngl his neck doesn't look like it can support his head.

I thought I'd make a nice, cute and short chapter today, it's simply just the birth of Yuno. Honestly, baby Yuno is so cute, such a little cutie!

Anyways, drink a lot of water! And have a nice day!

Word count: 787

Even less than chapter 2, damn.

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