Chapter 16

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♧ The Flustered Faust ♧

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Six months had passed since Fala's first mission and with a lot of self-debate, she had hesitantly explained to Morgen -who waited patiently and supportively for her- what had happened to her on her first mission. Not fully going into detail about what really happened only that she had sadly watched someone she knew die in front of her leaving a traumatising experience on her, and that's why she had freaked out and spiralled when she saw the blood.

After the mission, the explanations and comforting, Morgen and Fala had furthered their bond into one like no other. Sure Morgen was close to Yami, he could even say they were best friends, but there just was a different bond between the two teens. It wasn't romantic in any way; it was just a bond deeply rooted by the extreme trust and loyalty they had for one another.

Even the bonds she has with Yami and William had furthered along, both being told what had happened on the mission after Yami and William both had expressed their worry -In their own way, of course, one more blunt than the other- when she had been acting distant and fidgety shortly after the mission.

Morgen was ecstatic when she felt she could trust him with something so personal and related to her past. It had even cleared up some theories he had thought of, why she was so weary speaking about anything relating to her family or her home life.

Yami and William were both the same in that aspect, though he respected all of their decisions it didn't make him worry any less, he would always be patient with each of them and if or when they were ready they could tell him or any of their other friends.

To Fala, her first mission was a prime example of what could happen if she wasn't careful, she trained even harder to never let anything like what happened to her happen to anyone, be it small or large she would do everything to help anyone in need.

Within those six months, many things had changed, Fala for one, had made a reputation for herself. She worked extremely hard to further improve herself and her skills. Going on numerous missions with the boys, someone from a different squad or even by herself, being graceful and efficient, with quick thinking, confidence and a strong will to do right by the people of the Clover kingdom -desperately thinking the same for her kingdom- she was swiftly gaining respect from the people.

The three teenage boys all showed their support for her rapid growth from the girl they had met at the start of the year to now, those six months had done wonders for her. She had broken free from her quiet and fidgety shell to a now confident and sharp-witted girl who without even trying drew everyone in with her kind and serene personality.

Julius was probably her biggest supporter, always encouraging her to be her best self and show everyone that the rumours didn't define her. He was always there giving out his wisdom to the four teens -he honestly felt like a proud dad- who were all lucky they could have such an amazing mentor and leader. 

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