Chapter 11

268 11 17

♧ Magic Knights Exam ♧

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It was finally time for the magic knight's exam in two days, a day travelling on a broom to the capital, and then the day after would be the exam. Six months. I've waited six months for this. I've trained in those months from dusk to dawn with Ana, Rain and anyone who wanted to help, pushing all my limits, trying to master every spell in my grimoire as best as I could.

The plan was to have Rain escort me to the capital -having had some business of his own to attend to and things to buy- both riding brooms instead of going by foot, the brooms being faster and it'll only take a day to get there instead of walking which would've taken around five-day travel. Ana would've been the one to take me but she had important matters to take care of around the estate plus she didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to us, being a part of a family that was held in high regards, with a large influence had its perks but also many downsides.

I couldn't wait anymore, so used to being so patient but for this, I could never stay still. I knew Julius wanted me to take the exam and join his squad but that doesn't mean I would still have a guaranteed acceptance into the Gray Deers, I was still going to try my best, and I wasn't going to lazy around, knowing what Julies said, I still needed to prove I deserved to be there.

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We were to leave very soon, Rain was double-checking his list of things he needed before we departed. Almost everyone in the estate was out and saying goodbye to me, it felt nice that I could find such nice people after the fall of Spade, each one accepting where I came from, not once did they make me feel unwelcomed.

Ana was the last to say goodbye, wishing me all the best. I could tell she was on the verge of crying though, her lips would twitch whenever she was sad. I brought her into a long and heartfelt hug, the hug saying the things I couldn't but I knew Ana would understand, she knew I wasn't all the best at expressing my emotions after everything but I was so grateful to her and everything she's done for me. And with that both Rain and I were off into the sky, heading straight for the capital.

To feel the wind as it ran through my hair was so delightful, maybe even freeing. And the view was even better, so being able to see so much from above in the sky was an amazing rush.

As we moved, I could see a village not far from here, the most noticeable thing was the giant demon skull laying rest. I was told the story countless times, how the first wizard king defeated the demon and was then crowded the first ever wizard king, for his amazing display of power.

It was a weird story but I couldn't argue, in Spade, there's a story that the Kingdom was built on top of the bodies of two demons after a fight broke out between them. Scary right?

"Rain?" I called out, still staring at the giant skull. He hummed and replied, "Yes, Fala?"

"That skull over there, what's the village next to it?" I asked, pointing at the said village.

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