Chapter 7

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♧ House Blackstone ♧

♧ House Blackstone ♧

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《《 ♧ 》》

Lady Blackstone Pov

The next day- early morning

"M'lady?" A maid calls. "You can see the child now."

Standing from my desk, I make my way to the infirmary.

My only worry for this child was, are they okay? Showing up out of nowhere drenched in blood, of all the things a child could turn up in, but why were they covered in blood? It was concerning enough that they were alone but worse seeing the state they were in.

I probably should've informed the magic knights but there was some part of me, telling me shouldn't, of course, it was probably wrong not to tell them but I needed this child's trust first, I couldn't just shove em' a long and not concern myself in the matter.

And that bear, it was like it knew where to go. Of course, I had to pay attention to all these facts, I couldn't just dismiss them.

It was moments before I walked into the infirmary I had sensed this sickening aura. It was bitter and disgusting. The only people in the infirmary were Rain and the child, but neither myself nor Rain had this aura that would mean the child ...they had it.

Why hadn't I sensed this yesterday? Was it dormant when they were asleep? I couldn't help but assume, were they cursed? I knew little few who were, but whatever this child had, it was the worst I've ever felt. Such a disgusting aura around someone and a child nonetheless had me feeling sick.

I approached cautiously but made it look natural so wouldn't upset the child. They were talking with Rain, from what I could see.

I hadn't even made my presence known, but the child was facing me, staring.

Their features were all very soft looking, very fitting for someone young, her lips, nose, cheeks, eyes, and face shape all seemed to help complement her. But I couldn't help but notice how they were so familiar.

She was noirette, hair perfectly framing her face but had tear-stained cheeks and cautiously stared at me.

What also complimented her very well was her half-lidded, tired eyes with long lashes. Her eyes were unwavering as I approached but her almost lifeless crystal blue eyes startled me, they were anything but bright like what they were supposed to be for a child, no, it was like she's already faced every single hell on Earth. But I couldn't help but be scared. It wasn't the child I was afraid of but what laid inside of her.

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