Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 has an extra part


    "You can take the blood sample for testing later."


    There was a uncomfortable buzzing in her ears, and Qu Zi wanted to open her eyes, but she still felt a hazy layer of whiteness. Fog covered her eyes, and her whole body seemed to be accumulating raging heat, and his whole head felt a little dizzy and uncomfortable.

    Could it be a high fever?

    Qu Zi realized from a vague consciousness that she lived alone, if the burning continued like this, she would probably burn to death here!

    Raising her somewhat heavy arms, she struggled to stand up, but she felt something was wrong before she touched the edge of the bed.

    "Are you awake?"

    A soft female voice came from afar, and Qu Zi was startled suddenly. Doesn't she live alone?

    The white mist in front of him seemed to be roughly pushed away, and there were still some misty shadows in her vision. Qu Zi turned her head with difficulty, and vaguely found a figure in her sight.

    "Just wake up, you scared your classmates," the woman moved a little closer, reached out to operate the instrument by the bed a few times, then continued with a smile, "I have to take your blood sample Go continue to do an inspection, but congratulations in advance, your mutation is heading in a good direction, and you will be fine now when it stabilizes."

    Qu Zi can understand every word here, but when combined, she feels very Inexplicable, but she subconsciously blinked and nodded again.

    There was a strange sticky feeling in her throat, she couldn't help swallowing, and wanted to reply, but it was a pity that she couldn't make a sound for a long time.

    The woman saw her swallowing movements, and explained to her, "You took the medicine before, and you can't drink water for the time being, and you will be fine soon." As

    she spoke, she turned and walked out again.

    Qu Zi watched the white figure go away, and saw the door of the room open and close again, and he didn't know what to do, like a stone fell to the ground, and finally relaxed a little.

    After lying quietly for a few minutes, I felt that my vision finally gradually became clear, but my scorching body seemed to be welded to the bed, and I couldn't move at all.

    Qu Zi's heart was the opposite of her fiery body, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. Judging from her reaction of turning her head and fingers with difficulty, could it be that she was paralyzed from the neck down?

    After her head cleared up, she recalled what the person who was probably a nurse said just now.

    Classmates, variation.

    She is a social animal who has already worked, how can she have classmates, and

    the content of these mutants is empty in her head. She can't just wake up and go directly to some science fiction movie, right?

    Qu Zi, who thought he had read a lot of novels, calmed down slowly, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

    This is a small room with simple furnishings. There is nothing else except the bed under her body and the cabinet next to the bed. She turned her head slightly and saw that the window of the room was closed tightly. The real thing looks like an exhaust window, but its volume is obviously much larger, and a slight wind noise can be heard.

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