Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Yu Jing

    When Qu Zi and the others returned to school, Meng Xun, who also participated in the mecha manufacturing professional training after they left, had not yet returned.

    Unlike Qu Zi, who was completely closed and unable to communicate with the outside world, Meng Xun and the others were not so strict.

    So when Qu Zi came back, she also knew the news.

    "What good things did you bring me back?" Meng Xun was very happy to see a few people coming back, "I'm so bored when you're not here.

    " I was assigned to the dormitory of other girls. Although they were in the same class, they were not that familiar after all, so it was inevitable that they would be bored.

    The three of Qu Zi showed her all kinds of gadgets they had brought.

    There are conch shells of various shapes and colors, colorful pearls, and special products of various planets, which made Meng Xun greedy.

    "We still have a long time here, I really want to go back quickly." The

    four hadn't seen each other for half a semester, and the four had a good chat for a while before they went to rest separately.

    This time the training camp exhausted everyone. After so many days of high-intensity training, returning to the familiar bedroom made one want to sleep in it to death.

    However, the body has long been used to the previous biological clock. The next morning, the few people who didn't even have class time got up early, and they met in the living room, and couldn't help laughing.     Compared with the hard training, the following courses felt a lot easier, even though Qu Zi still did not escape the supervision of Teacher He, he had to find time every week to train the combination of Qu Zi and Yu Chen.     I don't know if it's because the training intensity is too high or because of other reasons. During the training time that Mr. He had notified, Qu Zi suddenly received the news that Yu Chen asked for leave.     The news was told by Teacher He, who suddenly knew that the training was cancelled, before Qu Zi had time to relax, she heard Teacher He say that since they are all ready, they should simply change to solo training.

    Qu Zi directly refused, the reason being that she was already saturated with solo training on weekdays, and Teacher He didn't force her, so she simply let her rest.

    After having a rest time, Qu Zi was worried about Yu Chen. You know, she still remembered that when she first met on Xingwang, the other party often felt unwell, more precisely, he was mentally unstable.

    Then he is still in the same situation this time?

    Qu Zi first sent a message to his communication number, but after waiting for a long time, he did not get a response from the other party.

    At this time, she realized that apart from this method of communication, she seemed to have no way of contacting the other party.

    Fortunately, before he was about to find out who his roommate was, and then find him through his roommate, Yu Chen's message came before he could implement it.

    It's still that familiar sentence.

    "Come to play a game?"

    As soon as the words came out, Qu Zi knew where the other party was, and she ran to the training hall along the familiar route. There was a training room inside that was rented out for a long time as their fixed training ground. , she felt there with ease, and then she found Yu Chen's figure inside.

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