Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 On the Right Track

    Tu Guang only thought that the other party was here to make a joke, but thinking so in his heart, he still looked at the certificate that the other party presented seriously, and then sized up the other party, his gaze paused on her exposed wrist, "I am There is an assessment."

    Qu Zi saw the other party looking at him, but nodded firmly, "No problem."

    "Then come with me," Tu Guang opened the small door next to him without much hope, and let the Open your body and ask Qu Zi to come in.

    Qu Zi followed him in, and then followed the other party into another door inside. After opening it, he could see clearly what the kitchen looked like.

    Qu Zi made preparations before coming here, but she couldn't find a real kitchen to try first, so she could only find some cooking videos on for comparison.

    Fortunately, today's kitchen is not much different except for the addition of various high-tech.

    The biggest difference from modern times is the use of seasonings. I don’t know which step in human history has taken a detour. Although they have sufficient ingredients for cooking, many seasonings have lost their status.

    After Tu Guang brought Qu Zi to the kitchen, seeing her just staring at the stove, he thought she had committed a crime, and was about to tell her to give up, when the girl said, "Can I use the seasoning I brought? "

    Qu Zi opened his palm and took out a small bottle from his pocket. The red powder inside would be familiar to all modern people.

    Tu Guang expressed a certain degree of approval for her homemade seasoning.

    Without him saying anything, Qu Zi directly poured out a little and put it into her mouth, showing that what she brought was not something strange.

    Tu Guang was confused by her actions, "All the ingredients are here, you can choose to make a dish yourself."

    Qu Zi nodded, she didn't know much about the kitchen utensils here, so she just chose the same simple fried pork , and thanks to the stove that still uses an open flame here, so that she can accurately judge the temperature, so that the meat in the pot will not be burnt.

    At the last moment when it was out of the pot, Qu Zi sprinkled the chili powder in the bottle, and immediately, a choking spicy smell rushed into his nostrils, making Tu Guang who was standing by the side almost unable to hold back his sneeze.

    Qu Zi loaded the plate neatly, and then pushed it to Tu Guang's hand.

    In fact, she was still a little nervous. This chili powder was actually made by Xiang Jun when she was in the hospital. She is a Sichuan native who loves spicy food. And because I learned on the Internet that the world seemed to lack a lot of spices, I dared to ask her how to do it.

    In this era, peppers have become the food for small birds like broiler chickens raised by people. Although they are widely distributed, no one has used them for cooking.

    Qu Zi also considered this point, so he didn't dare to put more in the dish, but even so, Tu Guang's mouth would be straightened.

    Qu Zi felt that no one could resist the taste of chili peppers, so as she expected, Tu Guang was not used to it at first, but later, even though it was already too hot, he couldn't help hissing, so he picked up another chopstick.     Fortunately, I remembered that there was Qu Zi next to me. Tu Guang poured two glasses of water again and again before regaining his composure

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