Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 New Targets

    After Qu Zi left from sight, Sun Yaoyao couldn't help laughing again, and the two walked out from the path together.

    "What are you laughing at?" The boy next to him rubbed his wrist and said unhappily, "Isn't this strength too strong? Is this alpha so unsympathetic?"

    Sun Yaoyao continued to laugh at him, "I don't think she has any I recognized you as an omega, I’m afraid I felt that I was being harassed, so I came out immediately.”

    The boy looked in disbelief, “Do I look like a beta?”

    “Besides, who knows if she is real or not ? Act bravely, maybe she has her eye on you long ago, and just wants to take this opportunity to show in front of you."

    While talking, he felt that the possibility was not small, "You see, she knows your name, and she specially kept her own The name is just to let you remember her."

    Sun Yaoyao thought for a while, then said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, anyway, there are so many people who want to pursue me, and she is not one more."

    "But don't you like Yu Chen? Does she still feel that she is better than Yu Chen?"

    Sun Yaoyao flicked her hair, "So, I seem to have developed some interest in her."

    Recalling the scene just now, that neat skill, serious The expression, plus the wonderful arc drawn by the slightly long curly hair when turning around.

    Although her appearance was not top-notch, the way she rushed out to protect herself behind her back really made her heart beat faster.

    For this alone, it can add 10 points to her appearance!

    As she was walking, she felt her hands being pulled down, "Hey, Yu Chen has come out, why don't you go over?"

    Sun Yaoyao looked at Yu Chen who was walking in the opposite direction to her, and her tall figure seemed even under the streetlights. So dazzling, but the inexplicable thought in her heart made her stop again.

    Continuing to walk back along the same path, Sun Yaoyao couldn't help but took two more steps on tiptoe, her figure was as light as a butterfly, and several people around couldn't help but look over.

    "I'm not looking for Yu Chen, I have a new goal."

    ——— At

    the end of the term, the students of various colleges are going to start working again. The final assessment of the Mecha Combat Department where Qu Zi works is quite simple, but what happens next What needs to be prepared for the holidays is not so easy.

    First experience the feeling of driving a simulated mech on the optical network. Next semester, the school will arrange students to train in the simulation room.

    In fact, the first thing I knew about the star network simulator was the task left by Mr. Liu.

    There are a lot of complicated movements in body training. If you can’t master them proficiently, it may have a serious impact on your body, and it may be dangerous during the practice. Therefore, Teacher Liu plans to let Qu Zi practice in the simulated world on the star network first, and wait until After the basic movements are proficient, consider real training.

    When Qu Zi came back and learned about this, she realized that this matter was a bit embarrassing for her.

    First of all, two things are needed to enter the simulation world of optical brains, one is an optical brain and the other is a head-mounted simulator.

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