Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 The Fraternity

    Although he had already guessed it, Qu Zi couldn't help being startled when he actually heard this sentence.

    Yu Chen's upper body lay down, although they were not touching each other, but because the two were close, Yu Chen's loose hair inevitably fell on Qu Zi's arm.

    A small braid was casually tied on his head, probably because the braid was too hasty, and the part that was tied was very messy.

    Qu Zi took a closer look, and found that the scrunchie that tied the hair looked familiar.

    The hair swayed gently against the arm, and the slight itchiness spread along the arm to the heart in an instant. Qu Zi's body froze a little, and subconsciously changed the posture of crossing his legs.

    "My dad said that my mother couldn't accept the news at all and almost had a mental violence. They found out that she was pregnant again, and that child was me."

    "In his words, I came out to save the family. Because of my existence, my mother seemed to quickly return to her previous appearance. She was looking forward to my arrival just like my father."

    "After I was born, Mom and Dad They all love me, and I thought I was the luckiest child."

    Qu Zi felt that the other party's emotions became much brighter with his words, and there was a calm smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was talking about a warm bed time story.

    After saying this, he paused for a long time, his eyebrows slightly frowned.

    "When I grew up, something seemed to change."

    "I never knew I had an older brother, and people around me never seemed to talk about him, until one day my mother mistook me for him. "

    I still know what happened before, and my mother remembered everything, and she has been in a bad mood since then, and she will think of me as my brother from time to time."

    "Once I tried to respond to her, she became Very happy."

    Qu Zi looked at his current appearance, and saw that he was sitting up straight again with his body propped up, his eyes closed, his face cold and serious, and he did not look happy at all.

    "You can probably guess it from behind. My mother hopes that I am Yu Jing, but I can't be him. My brother looks like my father, and I look like my mother. We don't look alike at all."

    " Later, I began to deliberately dress differently from my brother, and as a result, my mother was sent to the hospital one time."

    Speaking of this, he refused to continue, and Qu Zi also understood the general idea. He became Yu Jing himself, because it would make his mother better, but he didn't want to become Yu Jing, because he was an independent individual, and it was impossible to become Yu Jing.

    "So what are you thinking now?" Qu Zi asked him.

    "I don't want to be Yu Jing anymore. I'm actually not as good as him. No matter how hard I try, I can't become like him."

    Qu Zi felt that his idea seemed a little crooked, "You don't want to be regarded as Yu Jing, isn't it because you want to be yourself?"

    "You are Yu Chen, you need to let your mother realize that you are not someone else's substitute , You are an independent person."

    Yu Chen opened his eyes suddenly as if he was awakened suddenly, his arms were too hard to support his body just now, and because of the momentary numbness, his body suddenly tilted , The half of the body that lost its balance leaned directly against Qu Zi's body next to him.

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