Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Surfing the Internet is an essential skill for every modern person.

    But when the whole "person" enters the star network, it will be a new experience.

    Qu Zi only felt that the scene in front of her was still a little dizzy, and after she controlled her mental power, her eyes suddenly became clear.

    There seems to be a real world inside, with bustling streets and bustling crowds in sight, complicated voices coming from ears, and the sweet smell from the bakery next to it can even be smelled from the tip of the nose.

    I can't believe it's in Starnet.

    Qu Zi stood on the spot and felt it quietly before observing the operation interface.

    It is very easy to get started. If you have nothing to do, you can hang out here and visit casually. If you have a destination, you can also search directly.

    For example, Qu Zi is going to the Mecha Experience Center now, and he can get there instantly by searching for the name.

    After entering, they were all guided by robots. Qu Zi stared at the ID card of the new entrant and filled out a long questionnaire before being allowed to participate in the mecha experience.

    "This is the elementary mecha EWT-50, the most commonly used standard mecha, and it will also be the first mecha you come into contact with in your study career. The beginner's function has been locked."

    While listening to the introduction of the robot next to him Qu Zi climbed into the cockpit of this mecha.

    This mecha is indeed very familiar. The culprit that caused the original body to have a mental violence was its same mecha. Qu Zi followed the instructions and then manipulated the mecha to close the hatch on his chest.

    She is now in the mecha, which is a wonderful experience.

    Because of the existence of spiritual power, which is not very scientific in Qu Zi's view, the mechas here are activated by spiritual power. Without high-level spiritual power, even the mechas cannot be activated at all.

    And controlling the mecha to complete a series of actions is the cooperation of mental strength and whole-body operation.

    Qu Zi reached out to the manipulator of the mecha with her mental strength, and immediately, the indicator lights of the entire console in front of her lit up. It wasn't until this time that she felt that she was in a mecha.

    Trying to control the body to drive the mecha to take the first step, Qu Zi only felt that her mental strength and her whole leg were numb, which meant that she hadn't got the correct operation method of the mecha at all.     After many more attempts, she was finally able to control the mech to take a few steps. When she wanted to continue practicing, the system had already turned on a red light for her, and she had already exceeded the range that could be trained today.     This is a protection for her, a new star network experiencer.     Fortunately, although I can't continue to test the mecha, it's still possible to take a stroll outside.     Qu Zi shook his arms and thighs, which were not under his control because of operating the mecha, and when he came out, he saw the simulated combat experience hall next door.     This is the additional function of her optical brain. Qu Zi is quite interested in this, so he chose this place first.     After entering, she realized that in addition to competitions among students, there will also be exhibition competitions held by some very powerful bosses. Some of these are real people entering the Star Network competitions, and some are projections from previous competitions.     Qu Zi hadn't seen a mech duel before, so he immediately became interested and directly chose today's popular duel.     The viewing mode is also divided into single person and full audience. Qu Zi chose the entire audience, but as soon as he entered, he was shocked by the atmosphere.     The sound was rolling, and Qu Zi almost wondered if he had returned to the previous sports arena, but when he thought that these could actually be regarded as competitive competitions, it seemed not difficult to understand.     It's a pity that she came in too late, and with another burst of shouts, the two mechas in the center of the arena below had already decided the victory.     Qu Zi didn't see the wonderful fight ahead, so naturally he couldn't get into that kind of excitement like the people around him, so he had to leave silently, and chose to enter a battle room of junior mechs.

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