Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Provocation

    After having more contacts, Qu Zi felt that Sun Yaoyao could be regarded as a very comfortable friend to get along with.

    This is not only because the other party speaks in her rhythm, and the rhythm of the two of you coming and going is very comfortable, but it is more because the two have a common language.

    Just like when they were walking halfway, Sun Yaoyao received a notification on her optical brain, which was about a beta male star who was recently popular on Starnet.

    Because the latest photo was released, Sun Yaoyao couldn't help but exclaimed just by looking at the small picture.

    Qu Zi also glanced at it curiously, she thought for a while and asked, "Is this Ah Kun?"

    Sun Yaoyao was full of surprise, "Yes, you know too?"

    Qu Zi answered naturally, "Yes, he is not very popular Is it?"

    Ah Kun is a male star who has become popular on StarNet recently, not only because of his good looks, but also because of his outstanding musical talent.

    Qu Zi didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry on, but Meng Xun likes to watch it and play his songs in the dormitory on weekdays, so Qu Zi fell in love with it.

    The reason why she likes this person is very superficial, it is because of his good looks.

    Seeing that Sun Yaoyao also likes each other, Qu Zi is also quite pleasantly surprised. This is probably the feeling that the new friends who just met are getting more and more in tune with each other, right?

    Seeing that Qu Zi didn't object to her licking the faces of the male stars on Xingwang, Sun Yaoyao became more relaxed in the back. The two Yan dogs got together and chatted all the way until the meal was over, and they were still reluctant to part when they parted.

    After all, such speculative friends are rare.

    But Qu Zi will go to participate in the simulation training of Xingwang, so she firmly rejected Sun Yaoyao's invitation to continue chatting.

    On her side, she entered Xingwang for training without realizing it. In the school's forum outside, a post that was just plain before had already been labeled as explosive.

    "I just saw the goddess and alpha going on a date in the library?"

    The host who posted the post claimed to be a first-year student who went to the library to check information, but when he entered the library, he accidentally saw Sun Yaoyao and Qu Zi walking together, and he didn't even have a photo.

    Because there are many such boring posts in the forum, no one paid attention at first.

    It wasn't until someone downstairs slowly replied that he had indeed seen someone in the library, and there were photos as evidence, that the ensuing discussion became lively.

    Among them, what made the number of replies to the post soar was a photo with a very wonderful angle.

    The two girls, who also wore uniforms distributed by the school, sat face to face on both sides of the table. Alpha was concentrating on studying the projected mecha model on the table, while Omega on the opposite side seemed to be jealous of the projected mecha, frowning. Slightly pouted, as if asking the opposite alpha why he only looked at the mecha and not her.

    "Fuck, who is this person? Sun Yaoyao actually made such an expression! Could it be that they are together?"

    "If they are together, I would like to know who that person is."

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