Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 For Omega

    Qu Zi has never seen an omega in heat before, but from the descriptions of the people around her and, she can also know that it is a very scary thing for an omega to be in heat outdoors.

    However, according to the current level of technology, a shot of an inhibitor is enough to solve this problem, so inhibitors have become one of Omega's regular items.

    Even in some gathering places, Omega will be required to inject inhibitors before entering the venue.

    Just like this fraternity meeting this time, Qu Zi heard that in order to ensure safety, not only items that cannot be brought into the venue will be checked before entering the venue, but each alpha and omega will be injected with inhibitors before entering the venue.

    Somewhat different from the ones given to omega, the inhibitors used on alphas allow them to suppress the exciting pheromones to ensure that the sorority will not be destroyed by the excited alphas.

    But no one would have thought that Sun Yaoyao would suddenly go into heat on the way to the venue, and then burst out such a strong pheromone.

    Only then did Qu Zi realize why Sun Yaoyao just acted, because beside each building in their school, there will be a room specially prepared for omega's accidental estrus, which can block the spread of pheromone, and it is also equipped with inhibitors and drugs that eliminate pheromones.

    According to the normal estrus situation of omega, they have every chance to enter there before they sense something is wrong and before the pheromone is completely released. Besides, omega basically always have inhibitors now, before the estrus comes. It's not that hard to just inject yourself.

    But Sun Yaoyao's situation does not belong to this kind of situation at all, even a ignorant person like Qu Zi knows that this is very wrong.

    With the spread of pheromones, Qu Zi could clearly feel that the breathing rhythm of Yu Chen who was closest to her had changed.

    Facing the omega that is emitting pheromone, no alpha can resist his impulse.

    Qu Zi glanced back, and soon found that the students on the road in the distance had already looked at this place one after another. Some people were still waiting and watching, but some people started to come here.

    Going to look at Sun Yaoyao again, she hugged her skirt with difficulty and ran forward, looking back, Qu Zi clearly saw the panic and uneasiness in her eyes.

    She wanted to go up to help, but to Sun Yaoyao, her alpha was the more terrifying existence.

    Yu Chen next to him immediately turned on his optical brain and sent emergency aid to the school. Qu Zi wondered if they should retreat a little first, otherwise they might also be disturbed by the pheromone, and the consequences would be very dangerous.

    But looking back, there are already alphas running this way!

    Perhaps stimulated by this running alpha, the surrounding alphas couldn't help but started to speed up and even ran over.

    Qu Zi's scalp was numb, he didn't have time to worry about himself, he didn't seem to have any reaction, he only knew that these people must not pass by!

    She still wanted to go over to stop people, but subconsciously looked towards Sun Yaoyao, and saw a scene that made her even more frightened.

    Just when Sun Yaoyao was about to turn into the teaching building, an alpha who happened to be near the teaching building next to her spotted her.

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