Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Change Major?

    Qu Zi stayed in the hospital for several days, and even received a lot of treatment programs with other patients who also lost their memory, but others at least responded a little bit. When Qu Zi came here, it really didn't work at all.

    For this reason, the hospital paid off many experts to discuss, but the final conclusions were all fruitless.

    Qu Zi was worried about her secret being exposed at the beginning, but she was no longer afraid after that. After several tests, she was finally allowed to be discharged from the hospital.

    It was only when she was discharged from the hospital that she was told that the hospitalization fee was paid by the teacher in her class. She had never thought of this before!

    Qu Zi tremblingly took over the details of the hospital expenses that Xiang Jun had printed out for her, and couldn't help but her eyes darkened. A while ago, she comforted herself that although she was poor, she had no debts at all.

    Fortunately, she was still a student, and most of the expenses were reimbursed, but the hundreds of dollars that were advanced were not something she could afford to pay back now.

    After leaving the hospital, Qu Zi was led by Xiang Jun to the station again. This station seems to be not very different from the modern one, except that the cars here can fly into the sky.

    It is said that because of the traffic jam, the air speed car was set up in the early years to relieve the traffic pressure in the city.

    Of course, air speeding is not a big deal, now all the rich people ride in private airships.

    Sitting in the car, Qu Zi watched what was flying diagonally above, because the speed was too fast, she could barely see a shadow clearly.

    Presumably this is a private airship.

    Qu Zi would feel bored watching it, so he turned his attention back to the inside of the speeding car, which is no different from a bus. In the cockpit at the front is the driver who is responsible for controlling the speeding car when the autopilot system fails, and the rows of seats in the back are almost They are all full of people.

    At a glance, they are basically all young people.

    But you can't be so arbitrary. After all, it's the interstellar era, and drugs that can slow down aging have been popularized for a long time. Among the people who look like thirty or forty years old, I don't know how many are over one hundred years old.

    Since the current technology can delay aging, it is not a problem to increase lifespan. Today, the human life span can almost reach 200 years old, so Qu Zi, a student who just entered university, is actually 24 years old.

    Same age as Qu Zi in modern times.

    Arriving at the Capital University Station, Qu Zi looked at the flying cars in front of them queuing up to release people, and couldn't help but sigh. Even though the buses can navigate on different air tracks to avoid congestion, when they arrive at this kind of station with a large traffic flow, they still have to line up to land one by one. Let people go.

    Even the parking space here is already as big as a basketball court.

    Qu Zi got out of the car with the flow of people. Before she came, she had repeatedly checked the school map and greeted her roommates, but after getting out of the car, Monk Zhang Er was still confused.

    Fortunately, there were quite a few classmates who got off the bus with her. After Qu Zi stood at the waiting area and observed for a while, she found that everyone was going in the same direction, so she followed.

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