I'd Rather Kiss Mrs Patmore

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Downton Abbey,
January 23rd 1920

"Mr Barrow, where are you going?" Mr Carson asked as Thomas made his way for the exit in the servants' hall.

"I'm going down to the village to fetch some things for Mr Crawley for his trip tomorrow, Mr Carson" Thomas answered "He asked me to, he doesn't need me for a little while."

"Mind if I come with you, Mr Barrow?" Maud said, catching Thomas by surprise.

"You have work to do, Maud." Mrs Carson said.

" — and I'd rather kiss Mrs Patmore than walk you to the village" Thomas said with detestable eyes and Mrs Patmore emerged from the kitchen and slapped Thomas with her kitchen towel.

"Like I would let you make a pass at me, Mr Barrow!" She said "Where's your manners?"

"I think you'd love a snog from me" Thomas said and puckered his lips in the cook's direction but was only met with a tea towel to the face.

"Mr Barrow, that is no way for a valet to behave" Mr Carson said disapprovingly "Now be off with you" he waved at Thomas dismissively.

"See you tonight then, Mrs Patmore." Thomas said cheekily "Same spot as before" He then rushed out the door and slammed it behind him, before either Mrs Patmore or Mr Carson could give him an earful.

Maud sat wondering to herself why Thomas rejected her so badly — she was rather pretty, she wasn't too stupid and she showed a true interest in him. One moment his words could be so vile, the next he could be absolutely humorous — Thomas was a mysterious man indeed and that just aggravated her desires. It had mostly started as a challenge from hearing how she would never be able to seduce Thomas Barrow, but now it had turned to her being soft for him and wanting him the more he pushed her away. It would also make her respectable in people's eyes, being courted by a valet at Downton. There were no other valets available, other than Mr Molesley, but he was far too old and somewhat of a joke to her. While Thomas held poise, charm, height, wit and he was very handsome — if only she could figure out what kind of girl he would fancy then she could be that for him. Maybe she could do some digging, maybe she could sneak into his room while he was gone to try and find out more about the mysterious Thomas Barrow.

"You don't seem too bothered with how he speaks to you." Alfred said to Maud.

"Oh no, I'm used to getting what I want — eventually" Maud fixed her maid uniform a little, keeping an eye out to make sure Mrs Hughes had not entered the room as she tried to avoid the housekeeper at all cost — especially now, with what Maud was planning to do.

"With a beautiful face like yours, I am not surprised" Alfred said and smiled at Maud "If you go off Mr Barrow, maybe you and I can have a go at it." He said boldly and Maud just shrugged.

As she walked out of the room and on her way to the servants' quarters, Anna caught up to her, and gave her more work to do. It was a little bit of a walk, to the village and back, so Maud wasn't too concerned that Thomas would be back so soon, but she still tried to finish with haste.

"So Cousin Matthew is going to Manchester in the morning" Mary spoke without looking up from her book in her lap. She held a teacup in one hand and used the other to flip the page she had just finished.

"Yes, he is going to a solicitor friend to draw up the deeds and other important papers for him to become co-manager" Robert said from the armchair he sat in, looking at Mary from the top of the newspaper he was reading.

"And he's bringing Barrow, how strange" She said, taking a sip from the tea, and trying to sound as nonchalant as possible — but the dinner the other week had given her some thoughts.

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