Eye Of The Storm

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Downton Abbey,
Late-May 1920

Thomas was still a bit shaken up from last night. He knew that Sybil was well, so it was not that, but he could not stop thinking about how close they had been to being caught red handed by Lord Grantham. If Thomas had just reacted one second later Robert would have seen his body tumbling out of bed and Matthew's flushed face. Thomas could not remember the last time their secret had been that close to unfolding — perhaps one time at the Crawley house when Mrs Crawley had come home earlier than expected and if she hadn't been looking down at a letter she would have caught Thomas giving Matthew's cheek a gentle caress to wipe away a tear.

The prospect of Mrs Crawley finding out was less scary to Thomas than Lord Grantham. He could not even begin to imagine the reaction the Earl would have if he discovered Thomas, the servant, on top of Matthew, the heir, entangled in a bed. It made Thomas's heart clench uncomfortably. But, surely, that was just a one-off incident that had taken place and, once Sybil had given birth, there would be no reason to worry for abrupt interruptions in the night.

Thomas took his seat next to Mrs Hughes at the breakfast table and she greeted him with her usual pat to his hand and kind smile.

"Pop in for a cup of tea in the afternoon?" She asked Thomas who gave her a nod.

"Gladly, Mrs Hughes."

Mrs Patmore came stomping through the kitchen along with Ivy and their porridge breakfast with toast was served, along the standard cup of tea. Thomas' thoughts shifted back to being discovered — but now he wondered what they would do if they were? They had truly never discussed it before, because there was always that possibility. Thomas knew that Matthew would probably be rescued by his class, while Thomas would be shafted and an outcast — there would be no letters of recommendation nor jobs that would take someone convicted for such 'crimes' . But would Matthew truly let Thomas go through all of that alone?

Thomas shook his head and ate his last spoon of porridge. It was something they could not think of because it would mean looking over your shoulder constantly. If all they could think of was getting caught there would be no room for happiness.

"I think I'd rather be in a city if I were having a baby, where they got all the modern inventions." Ivy said and brought Thomas back from his mind and to the table he was sitting by.

"Far and away from everyone you trust? I don't think I would" Anna chimed in.

"What you talking about having babies for Ivy?" Mrs Patmore said to the kitchen maid "I think we can leave that for a little further down the menu!" She walked back into the kitchen.

Thomas felt O'Brien's stare at him when Jimmy said "There's always an idea to be prepared."

Thomas tried to hide the smirk on his face by staring down the teacup and decided to give O'Brien exactly what she was hoping for.

"I expect you're always prepared." Thomas said and threw Jimmy a glance. He didn't quite pay attention to the response, Thomas was too busy looking at O'Brien's smug face through the corner of his eye — but he didn't notice the sudden turn of Mrs Hughes head to give him a confused stare.

Mr Carson disapproved of the conversation, like he always did, and dismissed them to start the tasks of the day. Not that Thomas minded because it meant that he could see the man that was living within his very soul — and after that Thomas hoped he could peek in to say a quick hello to Sybil.

But on the grand staircase he bumped into Matthew who was already dressed and ready which made Thomas raise an eyebrow.

Matthew looked around and then motioned with his head and hurried up the steps he had already walked down. Thomas followed him and walked around the corner where he was pulled by the wrist into the smallest guest bedroom.

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