Undignified And Free

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July 1920s

"The two of you are brilliant, absolutely brilliant." Matthew exclaimed as they all stumbled out of Harvey's car and towards John's house. It was just a bit past midnight and on the ride back home Harvey and John had revealed that they had opened that spot a few years ago for people who were bent like them. They spoke about how, at first, they had struggled with how to keep it as safe as possible in case police would come — but that John had been the genius behind the solution. The fact that there were women in there as well, granted women who liked women, meant that it could easily be disguised as a normal pub, a normal dancehall. Though the issue had also been how to warn everyone inside that the coppers were visiting — that's when the facade of a shop had come to John's mind. It was an easy set up of a secret door and a switch under the fake shopkeeper's counter; a switch that turned the lights on and off inside of the secret venue that alerted everyone to act 'normal' .

John took a little bow at Matthew's compliment. "I thank you, I thank you — and it does come in handy being a Churchill after all; it's just registered as a private club and it's quite rare for anyone to give us trouble — and if they do they are instantly fooled."

"To think that we kissed, and many times, in front of strangers." Thomas said and ran a hand over his face to try and wipe the smile off his lips; but it was stuck there.

"And now I can do this." Matthew said, grabbing Thomas' collar and pulling him in for a kiss right in front of John and Harvey. He then wrapped his arm around Thomas' waist and the four men walked inside. "I also can't believe you have been together for so long and I never knew."

"Of course you didn't, we didn't think you were like us back then." John said and rubbed his hands together "But you have heard our story so now I suggest we finish this night with a bottle of champagne out in the garden; it is a clear and warm night and I am dying to know the story of Matthew and Thomas."

Thomas looked at Matthew "How about we give them the shortened version, darling? It took me nearly a year to tell Mrs Hughes the full story."

Matthew laughed and nodded "I think that's wise, but — you never told Mrs Hughes the—" Matthew lowered his voice " — intimate details did you?"

"Matthew Crawley!" Thomas exclaimed with offended eyes "How much whiskey did you drink? Mrs Hughes might be accepting but hearing about our love making is pushing it."

"Oh, spare us no details about that." John said with a grin and then hurried away to fetch the champagne as Harvey swatted his hand towards him.

"Don't mind him, it runs in his Churchill blood." Harvey said and motioned with his hand for Matthew and Thomas to follow him outside to the garden.

It was a beautiful summer's night and the bugs were buzzing in the grass. Surrounding the backyard was a large hedge and it held even more greenery than the front so the large lawn the four men sat upon was completely obscured by it. Above them dangled the branches from a willow tree that danced gently in the light breeze and the moon shone down upon them; with a few stars twinkling in the sky.

The four of them were drinking straight from a champagne bottle and Matthew and Thomas were telling John and Harvey the shortened version of their fairytale. From the war, through Lavinia — Matthew's mistake in his grief and guilt, to Mrs Hughes listening to Thomas', Sybil and Tom knowing. Thomas even spoke of his wounds and showed his hands; because John and Harvey were no strangers no more, and it was an important part of the story.

" — and I suppose that is it, that's our story in 20 minutes." Matthew said and smiled down at Thomas' who laid with his head in his lap and holding onto the half-finished bottle. "The story of an unkind footman and an utterly foolish heir." He let out a sigh and brushed his fingers through Thomas' hair.

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