My Dear Mother And Father

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Downton Abbey,
January 25th 1920

Robert was looking over the plan Matthew had written down for him — how to start with modernising and it seemed to be a big part about production and being self sufficient. Robert wasn't too happy with it, that meant that tenants would not be able to run their farms like they had for decades. It seemed to be all about profit while Robert thought of the farmers who were late on rent — farmers whose families had been here before him. There was also a large section about what the farms would need to turn into and new modern equipment to invest in.

It was a shock for a traditionalist like Robert, to change the estate around in such a way. He was extremely hesitant about the changes that Matthew proposed to be made.

Cora walked into the room and over to Robert where he sat. She leaned down and gave her husband a kiss to the cheek. "You look troubled, darling"

"I'm looking over the propositions Matthew has left me, there's some big changes" Robert said and leaned back in the chair with a sigh.

"Is that so bad, Robert? To change things around here?" She asked with a little smile at her husband who.

"The estate has been run the same way for decades, for longer than we have lived, Cora" Robert explained.

She just smiled and kissed Robert's head again "Don't fight it too hard, Robert" before walking towards the door "we really should find Matthew someone to court and Mary a suitor, so she will finally get over him."

"I don't think Mary will have any problems finding suitors, but perhaps we should see to invite a sweet girl for Matthew soon — but throw a dinner party so it's not too obvious" Robert agreed and looked back at the papers "Will it be just us for tea?" he asked.

"Edith is with your mother, having tea there, and Mary won't be back until supper" Cora said "Let's just take tea in the drawing room" She walked out of the room and left Robert to ponder over the papers and ways he could keep the estate the way it is.

January 25th 1920

The couple was draped around each other when morning crept through the curtains. Thomas stirred first and caused Matthew to tighten his arms around him in his sleep. Thomas opened his eyes slowly and they met the clear sky. It was a sunny January morning, sunny, but cold — it usually were when the sun crept out in the winter. Thomas' head felt slightly heavy from last night's escapades and his stomach was in roar from hunger. But he didn't wish to leave the bed, not with Matthew's arms around him. Thomas' eyes moved from the window and looked up at the man holding him — he was still peacefully asleep with his mouth slightly parted and short snores leaving it. Thomas pressed his lips gently to Matthew's chin, then his neck and throat. A smile appeared on Matthew's lips in his sleep and Thomas let his hand run over Matthew's lower belly and that's when the summer-sky eyes opened slowly and let out a murmur.

"Mmh, good morning, my unkind former footman" He said and buried his nose in Thomas' hair and inhaled his smell.

"Good morning, my former god-fearing gentleman" Thomas said with a smile and reached his lips for Matthew's.

"My breath stinks like a pig sty" Matthew mumbled through his pursed lips.

"If I kissed you in a muddy trench, I can kiss your breath in the mornings." Thomas said and pressed his lips to Matthew's.

Matthew inhaled deeply through his nose, his arms coiling around Thomas's shoulders and bringing him as close as possible. Their lips moved slowly together, their tongues brushed together, and Matthew moaned softly. Thomas' fingertips walked down Matthew's stomach, over his trail of hair, and played with the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. Matthew spread his legs slightly; inviting Thomas' to go further. Thomas grinned into the kiss, his teeth scraped over Matthew's lip, and then let his hand push past the waistband and all the way into Matthew's underwear. Thomas circled his fingers around the base that was hidden in Matthew's pubic hair, but he didn't tease for long; he took a firm grip on the semi-erection. Matthew's hips reacted instantly; they lunged forwards and into the hand. Matthew's hand gripped Thomas' hair and his need grew; as did his cock.

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